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Western Australia Termination Notice for Nonpayment of Rent (no prior notice)

Notify a tenant who has failed to pay the rent that you intend to terminate their tenancy with this Western Australia Notice of Termination for Non-Payment of Rent form.

  • The notice must be served in accordance with the provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act 1987, and the relevant sections of the Act are included in the form.
  • This form of notice would be used in situations where previous notice of the breach has not been given to the tenant.
  • Once you buy the form, it's yours and you can use it as often as you like.

Get rid of delinquent tenants with the Western Australia Notice of Termination for Nonpayment of Rent (no prior notice).


Whitney Houston Last Will and Testament

Download this free copy of the Last Will and Testament of Whitney Houston (1963 - 2012).

  • Whitney Houston was an American singer and actress who was one of the best-selling recording artists of all time.
  • Houston is the only musical artist ever to chart 7 consecutive U.S. #1 hits.
  • As a young woman she was much sought as a model, but singing was always her first love.
  • In the last few years of her life, her career accomplishments were overshadowed by her personal problems and substance abuse issues. She died in February 2012 from a combination of drowning, the effects of heart disease and cocaine use.

Information gathered from


Wilhelm Reich Last Will and Testament

Download a free copy of the Last Will and Testament of Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957).

  • Wilhelm Reich was an Austrian born psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, known as one of the most radical figures in the history of psychiatry.
  • Reich worked with Sigmund Freud in the 1920s and was a respected analyst for much of his life, focusing on character structure rather than on individual neurotic symptoms. He believed that neurosis is rooted in the physical, sexual, economic, and social conditions of the patient, and promoted adolescent sexuality, the availability of contraceptives, abortion, and divorce, and the importance for women of economic independence.
  • In 1947, Reich was living in the US when the Food and Drug Administration obtained an injunction to stop the sale of his 'orgone accumulators'. Charged with contempt for violating the injunction, he was sentenced to two years in prison, and in August 1956, several tons of his publications were burned by the FDA, arguably one of the worst examples of censorship in U.S. history.
  • He died in jail of heart failure just over a year later, days before he was due to apply for parole.

    Biographical information obtained from

Will Clause Authorizing Administration of Assets Outside of Jurisdiction

Direct your trustee to name a special executor in another jurisdiction with this free Will Clause. The clause is generic and can be used in wills in many different countries.

Administration of Assets Outside of Jurisdiction.

I EMPOWER my Trustee to appoint a person or corporation living or carrying on business in any country or jurisdiction where any asset or liability of my estate is situated as a special Executor and Trustee of my said Will for the purpose of administering my estate in such country or jurisdiction.


Will Clause Granting Life Estate in Residence to Spouse

Grant a life estate in a residence to your spouse with this free Will Clause. The clause is generic and can be used in wills in many different countries.

Will Clause Granting Life Estate in Residence to Spouse

To hold whatever house and property I may own and be using as a home at the time of my death as a home for my --(husband, wife)-- until --(his, her)-- death or until --(he, she)-- shall in writing advise my Trustee(s) that --(he, she)-- no longer desires to have such property held for --(him, her)--, whichever shall first occur, when the said property shall fall into and form part of the residue of my estate. My --(husband, wife)-- may at any time direct my Trustee(s) to sell such property and with the proceeds of such sale provide another house and property for --(his, her)-- use, occupation and enjoyment, and so on from item to time.

All taxes, insurance, repairs, mortgage interest and any other charges or amounts necessary for the general upkeep of the said property while it is held for my --(husband, wife)-- shall be paid by my Trustee(s) out of my general estate, and I will and declare that my Trustee(s) may in --(his, her, their)-- uncontrolled discretion make such payments or any of them out of the capital or income or in such proportions as --(he, she, they)-- think(s) fit.


Will Clause Providing Compensation to Executor

This free optional Will Clause directs that compensation be paid to the executor under a compensation agreement signed during the testator's lifetime.

Download the digital file or just copy and paste the following text.

I DECLARE AND DIRECT that my Executor _______________________ shall be entitled to receive and shall be paid out of my estate as compensation for acting as Executor and Trustee of and under this my Will the fees, reimbursements and other compensation provided for in the Compensation Agreement between _______________________ and me signed on the ____ day of ________, ________ and prior to the execution of this my Will.


Will Clause re Insurance Proceeds | Canada

Add this clause to a Will made in Canada to direct how life insurance proceeds are to be distributed.

  • The testator (person making the Will) declares that the proceeds of life insurance policies, except for RRSPs, are to form part of the estate and be paid to the beneficiaries as such.
  • This clause is intended to be considered a declaration within the meaning of the Insurance Act (Canada).
  • This Canada Will Clause re Insurance Proceeds is a downloadable form in MS Word format.
$2.29 $1.99

Will Clause re Trustee's Power to Make Joint Election

This free Will Clause gives the Trustee the power to act on joint election on behalf of any minor beneficiary with a parent or guardian of the minor. You can download the digital file or simply copy the text below and paste it into your Will template.

(My Trustee shall have the power)
(#). For the purpose of designation by joint election with any preferred beneficiary during minority as to the part of accumulation income of my estate to be included in computing such beneficiary's income, TO ACT UPON any joint election with any Parent or Guardian of that beneficiary without consequential liability to any beneficiaries of my estate. Further, following any joint election with any beneficiary regarding the part of accumulation income of my estate to be included in computing such beneficiary's income, TO PAY ANY TAXES wheresoever leviable in respect of the same. Any payment so made shall be charged either against the expectant presumptive or vested share of such beneficiary in the capital and income (or either) of my estate or generally against the capital or income (or either) thereof that has not previously vested in possession so that any resultant loss falls proportionately on all interests therein as is fitting in the circumstances.


Will Clause to Appoint Trust Company as Trustee

Appoint a trust company as a trustee with this free optional Will Clause. The clause is generic and is not specific to any state, province or country.

Appointment of Trust Company as Trustee

My Trustees are hereby authorized, if they wish to do so, to appoint a Trust Company to manage my estate or to act as their agent in respect of the management of my estate and from time to time in their discretion to terminate any such appointment and make another.


Will Preamble in Contemplation of Marriage | Canada

Download this free Preamble to a Will made in contemplation of the testator's impending marriage.

  • Under most legislation in Canada, if you make a Will before marrying or entering into a civil union, the Will is automatically revoked when you marry, unless you specifically state that you are making your Will in contemplation of marriage.
  • This Will preamble can be used in all provinces and territories of Canada EXCEPT Quebec.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Intended to be used only in Canada.