Photographer Contracts

Download contracts and customer forms for photographers, videographers and modeling agencies.

  • Prepare your own model releases and contracts for photography sessions and video shoots quickly and easily.
  • Re-usable templates which you can customize to make them as unique as your business.
  • Forms for studio photography sessions, weddings, fashion shows, and special events.
  • All forms were created and supplied by industry professionals.
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Consent to Use Photograph | UK

Give another party the right to use your images with this Consent to Use Photograph form for UK photographers.

  • The photograph may only be used in connection with a specified purpose (such as worldwide publication of a book or magazine, etc).
  • The photographer will retain worldwide copyright to the images.
  • The end user does not have the exclusive right to use the image, and the photographer is at liberty to give consent for other parties to use the photo as well.
  • The photographer must be credited in every usage of the photograph.
  • The photographer asserts his/her moral rights as the author of the work.
  • This form can be used anywhere in the United Kingdom.

Online Modeling Services Agreement

Procure the services of models for an internet site with this Online Modeling Services Agreement template.

  • The Agreement details how the models will be hired and how their photos will be used.
  • The model agrees to provide modeling services to the website operator as required, but this is not an exclusive contract. The model is free to work for other employers and websites.
  • The model will be paid a fee based on monthly subscriber revenues from website(s) where photographs of the model are posted.
  • This is an ideal contract for clothing designers and for adult websites who hire their own models.
  • This is a generic legal contract template which can be used almost anywhere.

Photo Studio Rental Contract

Rent out photo studio space and/or photography equipment on a one-time or ongoing basis with this easy template Photo Studio Rental Contract.

  • The facilities and equipment can be rented on an hourly, half-day or full-day basis for photo shoots or video sessions.
  • The renter is responsible for cleaning up and returning the space and the gear to the same condition it was in at the beginning of the rental period, otherwise a cleaning fee will be charged.
  • Overtime fees will be charged if the renter is not out of the space on time. The contract template contains optional clauses to allow a grace period (usually 10 to 15 minutes).
  • The renter is prohibited from carrying on illegal activities on the premises.
  • Models must be of legal age unless a parent or guardian has consented and is present during the shoot.
  • The studio has no liability for damage, loss, or injury, and the renter indemnifies and holds the studio harmless against any claims.
  • The renter must obtain liability insurance before the date of the rental.

Don't let your studio space sit empty when it can be earning extra money for your business. Purchase the Photo Studio Rental Contract and start renting your facilities right away!


Photo Studio Rental Release and Waiver Form

Do you rent your photography equipment and studio space to customers or other photographers? Then you need this Photo Studio Rental Release and Waiver form.

  • Getting a signed release and waiver can protect you from liability if a renter files a lawsuit against you for injury, loss or damage.
  • The form should be signed prior to the start of the rental, and each party should retain a signed copy.
  • The renter releases the photography studio and its employees from any and all liability.
  • The renter assumes all responsibility with respect to the rental and use of the premises and equipment, and waives any claims s/he may have with respect to injury, damage or loss resulting from the rental of the studio.
  • This is a generic legal form which can be used anywhere and can be customized for your unique business.

Don't risk being sued because someone injured themselves using your studio or equipment. Get the Photo Studio Rental Release and Waiver Form.


Photographer Release Agreement

Protect your copyright and your right to use the photographs you take - get your models and subjects to sign this Photographer Release Agreement prior to the photo shoot.

  • The model consents to the photographer's use of his or her image, and gives the photographer an irrevocable perpetual worldwide right to use the photos for any purpose.
  • The model releases the photographer from any claims or demands, including right to privacy.
  • The model acknowledges that the compensation paid by the photographer is payment in full for all future uses of the photos.
  • This is a reusable legal form. Once you buy the template, you can use it as often as you need to, and you can customize it for your business.
  • The Photographer Release Agreement will help ensure that you retain ownership over your photos.
  • This is a generic form that can be used anywhere.

Photographer Release Agreement for Minors

When photographing an underage model, have a parent or guardian sign this Photographer Release Agreement for Minors prior to the photo shoot.

  • The parent (on behalf of the minor) consents to the photographer's use of the model's likeness, and grants the photographer an irrevocable perpetual worldwide right to use the photos for any purpose.
  • The parent releases the photographer from any claims or demands, including right to privacy.
  • The parent acknowledges that any compensation paid by the photographer is payment in full, and the model will not seek any further amount for the photographer's use of the photos.
  • The parent or guardian indemnifies and holds the photographer harmless from any losses incurred from any breach of the Agreement by the minor.
  • You can re-use the form as often as you like. Buy it, download it, customize it for your photography studio, and use it whenever necessary.

The Photographer Release Agreement for Minors protects your ownership rights in the photographs you take.


Photographer Work-for-Hire Contract

Photographers, write up a customer contract quickly and easily with this template Photographer Work-for-Hire Contract.

  • The photographer agrees to provide services as an independent contractor, not as an employee of the customer.
  • Once the photographer has been paid for the session, the customer will own all copyright, title and interest in and to the photographs.
  • This is a reusable legal agreement. Buy it, download it, use it as often as you require.
  • This generic legal form can be used anywhere.

Download the Photographer Work-for-Hire Contract and customize it with your studio logo and information to make it as unique as your business.


Photography Studio Business Plan

Write a business plan for a start-up photo studio with this fully editable Photography Studio Business Plan template.

  • This template is ideal for a sole proprietorship which will be owned and operated by the photographer.
  • The main purpose of this Business Plan is to help secure a bank loan to cover the start-up costs and provide initial operating capital for the photo studio.
  • The document includes a market analysis and marketing strategy and a financial model.
  • When you buy this template, you also get a Confidentiality Agreement to protect against disclosure of your financial data and other confidential information.
  • The form includes instructions to help you complete each section.

Before a bank will lend you money, they need some assurances that you have researched the market and have developed a good business strategy. This Photography Studio Business Plan will help you do that.


Stock Photo Agency Agreement (exclusive)

Line up content for a stock photo website with this Exclusive Stock Photo Agency Agreement.

  • Photographers who want to license their photos to users of the stock photo website can appoint the website owner as their exclusive worldwide licensing agent.
  • The photographer agrees not to sell or license any photographs directly to any of the website's clients.
  • The stock photo website has the right to set the pricing and the terms and conditions of licensing.
  • The website and its licensees have the right to alter the size, shape, or form of the photos as they deem necessary.
  • The website agrees to take adequate precautions to protect the photographer's copyright and other intellectual property rights, and to protect and preserve the photographs from loss or damage.
  • The photographer agrees to regularly submit new high quality photos in accordance with the Photo Delivery Memo which is included with the contract template.

Make sure your website and your contributing photographers are protected - download the Exclusive Stock Photo Agency Agreement template today.


Stock Photo License for Commercial Use

License stock photographic images for commercial purposes with this template Stock Photo License for Commercial Use.

  • A commercial use license is required if the end user will be using the images for commercial purposes, such as business or e-commerce websites, magazines and other publications, and promotional uses.
  • The license can be posted on the stock photo website and must be agreed to by the end user before they can download their photos.
  • The license is non-exclusive and royalty-free.
  • The end user must attach the appropriate copyright notices to each image wherever and whenever used.
  • The license contains a limited warranty and limitation of liability clause to protect the provider of the images.

The Stock Photo License for Commercial Use protects the intellectual property rights of the photographer and the photo website.


Stock Photo License for Non-Commercial Use

Stock photo websites can license images to users for non-commercial purposes with this non-exclusive Stock Photo License for Non-Commercial Use.

  • This form of license is only used if the images will be used for personal purposes, such as wallpaper, personal web pages, greeting cards, etc, but not if the photos will be re-sold or used in advertising or promotional materials.
  • There are no royalties payable by the end user for using the photographic images.
  • The license contains a limited warranty and limitation of liability clause to protect the stock photo website.

Post the Stock Photo License for Non-Commercial Use as a pop-up on your website so that users must agree to its terms before downloading any photos.


Videographer Services Contract

Do you want to start a business videotaping special events? The first thing you need (besides your camera gear) is a professional Videographer Services Contract.

  • The customer pays a non-refundable retainer to book the videographer for the event date. The retainer is forfeited if the event date is changed or cancelled.
  • The customer is responsible for getting permission from the venue to allow filming the event, for obtaining any required security passes or credentials, and for arranging parking and meals (if applicable) for the videographer staff.
  • This is an exclusive contract. The videographer will be the only professional videographer allowed to tape the event.
  • The videographer retains the copyright in the video and images.
  • The customer agrees to indemnify the videographer against any claims arising out of the customer's use of the video or the customer's breach of the contract.
  • The contract includes a sample list of services and a rate sheet.

Download this Videographer Services Contract template and use it for weddings, anniversaries, graduations, bar mitzvahs, and other special occasions.


Videography Agreement for Fashion Show

Hire a videographer to film a fashion show with this downloadable Videography Agreement for Fashion Show.

  • The videographer will record video and images from the runway, photo shoots with models, candid backstage shots, change and makeup sequences, etc., and will be responsible for setting up all lights, cameras, props and other setups required for sets and shoots.
  • Personal shoots with models must be arranged as time permits.
  • The videographer is responsible for securing and protecting all equipment and media provided by the fashion show producer.
  • The producer retains full ownership of all images, videos and materials created.
  • The camera personnel must conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times and maintain a professional attitude towards the models. Asking a model for personal information is prohibited.
  • The videographer grants the producer a perpetual unrestricted right to use the video, images and materials created, and releases the producer from any present or future claims in connection with the materials.

This Videography Agreement for Fashion Show template holds the filming crew to a professional standard of behavior and ensures that your rights to the materials are protected. Download a copy for your next event.


Wedding Photography and Videography Contract

Draw up an agreement with a client for photographing and/or filming their wedding with this downloadable Wedding Photography and Videography Contract.

  • The client must pay a non-refundable deposit which is forfeited if the wedding date is changed or cancelled.
  • The client is responsible for getting permission from the wedding venue (church, chapel, etc) for photographing and filming the wedding, and for obtaining any required passes, arranging for parking and providing the photographer with a list of desired shots and a map to the locations.
  • The client agrees that the photographer will be the exclusive professional photographer for the event. Friends and family may photograph and film the wedding provided they do not interfere with the photographer's work.
  • Copyright in the photos and videos remains the sole property of the photographer. The clients will have a perpetual license to use the materials, but the photographer has the right to use the photos for promotional purposes.
  • The contract template includes a list of services and a rate sheet.
  • You can easily modify the template for strictly photography or videography sessions.

Purchase the Wedding Photography and Videography Contract template to protect your copyright and make sure you get paid for your services.
