Partnerships and Joint Ventures

Set up a general or limited partnership, joint venture or business alliance with these affordable easy-to-use Partnership and Joint Venture Forms.

A general partnership is a business arrangement in which two or more parties pool their resources and do business together under a single name and business identity. Setting up a partnership is an easy, lower-cost alternative to incorporating. The partners share responsibility for managing the partnership's affairs.

A limited partnership is an arrangement between several limited partners (investors) and a general manager who manages the business and is personally liable for the obligations of the partnership. The liability of the limited partners is limited to the amount of their investment, so long as they are not involved in managing the partnership.

A joint venture is a business relationship between two or more parties which is in essence a short fixed-term partnership, put together for a specific project or objective. Each of the joint venturers contributes expertise, capital and/or assets to the venture.

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Agreement to Dissolve Joint Venture

Dissolve a joint venture with this downloadable Joint Venture Dissolution Agreement.

  • This type of legal contract is typically used to terminate a joint venture when there will be ongoing rights or obligations after the venture has wound up, such as licensing or distribution income, outstanding costs and obligations to be settled, etc.
  • The venturers will sell the remaining assets and distribute the proceeds in accordance with a formula based on their capital contributions.
  • Future income (from licensing, distribution, sale of products, etc) will be shared equally.
  • Any future liability or expense will be borne equally by the co-venturers.
  • The co-venturers shall jointly own any intellectual property rights as tenants in common.
  • The co-venturers have a right of first refusal to acquire the intellectual property rights of any co-venturer wishing to sell his interest.
  • This is a generic legal form which can be used in most countries.
  • This Agreement to Dissolve Joint Venture template is fully editable and can be easily customized to meet your business needs.

Alberta Admission Agreement to Land Development Partnership

Bring on a new partner to an Alberta land development partnership with this Admission Agreement.

  • This Admission Agreement would be used to admit a new partner into a partnership which was formed for the purpose of constructing and developing a commercial office and retail project on land owned by one of the partners.
  • Provisions of the Admission Agreement include:
    • capital contribution to be made by the new partner;
    • covenants, representations and warranties of each of the parties;
    • cash distributions and repayments to be made to original partners at the time of the new partner's buy-in;
    • amendments to be made to the original Partnership Agreement, including allocation of partnership profit or loss;
    • a management committee appointed by the partners will be responsible for managing and operating the partnership affairs.
  • This template is in MS Word format and is fully editable to fit your circumstances.
  • Intended to be used in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Certificate for Units in Limited Partnership

Use this free template to prepare a Unit Certificate representing ownership of partnership units in an Alberta limited partnership.

  • The form is available in MS Word format and can be used as a template to issue a certificate for each subscription for units.
  • Easy to edit to fit your needs.
  • Intended to be used only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Certificate of Limited Partnership

Prepare a Certificate of Limited Partnership with this easy-to-use template form for Alberta partnerships.

This form must be prepared by the General Partner, setting out the organizational details of the Limited Partnership, such as:

  • the purpose for the partnership,
  • the names and address of the general and limited partners,
  • the contributions of the original partners,
  • the share of profits to which each partner is entitled,
  • restrictions on assignment or transfer of partnership interests.

The Alberta Certificate of Limited Partnership form is available as a downloadable MS Word file.


Alberta General Partnership Agreement

Prepare a General Partnership Agreement for an Alberta partnership with this comprehensive template.

  • Net profits or losses will be shared or made up by the partners on a pro rata basis.
  • Additional capital contributions will also be made pro rata among the partners.
  • Provisions for designation of a managing partner.
  • Procedure for performing an annual valuation.
  • No assignment or transfer of a partner's interest is allowed without consent of the other partners.
  • Procedure for withdrawal of a partner.
  • This legal form template is provided in MS Word format and is fully editable to fit your needs.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Joint Venture Agreement

Set up a joint venture to do business in the Province of Alberta with this template Joint Venture Agreement.

  • One of the co-venturers will be the manager of the joint venture, and will be paid a management fee for doing so.
  • If a co-venturer dies, their interest will automatically pass to their spouse or children.
  • Each co-venturer has a right of first refusal and piggyback rights on the interest of the other parties, in the event of a sale or transfer.
  • Any co-venturer may exercise a shot-gun buy-sell provision with respect to the interest of another co-venturer.
  • This Joint Venture Agreement is available as a downloadable Microsoft Word file which is fully editable to meet your needs.
  • The document is intended for use in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Land Development Partnership Agreement

Set up a partnership to develop and build a commercial office and retail project in Alberta with this Land Development Partnership Agreement template.

  • The Agreement is between the owner of the land to be developed, and a managing partner (the Operator) who will be lending money to the project.
  • Additional partners may be brought on if deemed necessary by the original partners.
  • The Operator will advance sufficient funds to the partnership which will be lent to the owner interest-free for demolition and to secure surrender of existing leases.
  • Details of the Operator's compensation for managing development, construction and completion of the project.
  • Procedure for advances made to the partnership by a partner.
  • Buy-sell provisions which give the other partners a right of first refusal to purchase the interest of a departing partner.
  • Procedure for disposing of the partnership assets on termination or dissolution.
  • Available in MS Word format and fully editable.
  • Intended to be used only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Notice of Amendment to Certificate of Limited Partnership

Give notice to interested parties of an amendment to the Certificate of Limited Partnership for an Alberta partnership with this free form.

  • This form is available in MS Word format and is fully editable.
  • Fill in the details, print, sign and send.
  • Intended to be used only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Partnership Dissolution Agreement

Wind up a general partnership in the Province of Alberta with this Partnership Dissolution Agreement.

  • One partner buys out the interest of the other partner and assumes the partnership's debts and obligations.
  • The remaining partner then continues to carry on the business of the partnership as a sole proprietorship.
  • This is a fully editable template which can be easily customized to fit your circumstances.

Download the Alberta Partnership Dissolution Agreement for signature by you and your partners.


Alberta Partnership Exit Agreement

Facilitate the exit of a partner and deal with their partnership interest with this Partnership Exit Agreement for an Alberta limited partnership.

  • The exiting partner's interest will be purchased by the general partner and the partnership.
  • Once the sale of its interest is complete, the exiting partner is relieved of its rights and obligations under the Partnership Agreement.
  • The purchasers will use best efforts to obtain a release of any guarantees of the partnership's debts given by the exiting partner and will indemnify the exiting partner against any claims or damages.
  • This legal form template is available in MS Word format and is fully editable to meet your specific needs.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Transfer of Limited Partnership Units

Transfer your interest in an Alberta limited partnership to another party with this Transfer of Limited Partnership Units.

  • This form allows the withdrawing partner to transfer all of his or her interest to either a remaining partner or a new incoming partner.
  • This form is in MS Word format and is easy to download and use.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Bill of Sale for Limited Partnership Units | Canada

Transfer ownership of units in a limited partnership in Canada with this template Bill of Sale for Limited Partnership Units.

  • Under the Bill of Sale, the seller transfers the units to the buyer free and clear of any encumbrances, liens or rights of third parties to acquire an ownership interest.
  • The buyer and seller agree to exchange mutual releases with respect to the purchase and sale of the units.
  • The seller also releases the Limited Partnership from any claims.
  • Available as a fully editable MS Word download.
  • Intended to be used only in Canada.

British Columbia Joint Venture Agreement

Set up a business joint venture in British Columbia with this template Joint Venture Agreement.

  • One of the joint venturers will be responsible for management of the joint venture, and will be paid a management fee for providing such services.
  • No joint venturer may transfer its interest without the consent of the other joint venturers, except in the death of a joint venturer, when his/her interest will automatically pass to their spouse or children.
  • Each joint venturer has a right of first refusal and piggyback rights on the interest of the other parties, in the event of a sale or transfer.
  • Any joint venturer may exercise a shot-gun (buy-sell) provision with respect to the interest of another joint venturer.
This British Columbia Joint Venture Agreement is available as a downloadable Microsoft Word file which is fully editable to meet your needs.

Business Alliance Agreement | Canada

Establish a strategic alliance between two companies involved in similar or related businesses with this template Business Alliance Agreement for companies operating in Canada.

  • Both parties agree to cooperate in identifying prospective customers, representing products and providing technical support to customers.
  • Each party will be treated as the general contractor for projects in which it proposes the goods and services of the other party.
  • Either party may terminate the agreement on proper notice to the other party.
  • Each party shall be liable only to the extent of its respective interest.
  • Each party shall treat all information received from the other party as confidential.
  • The parties agree to arbitration in the event of a dispute.
  • This is a downloadable legal contract governed by Canadian laws.

Business Alliance Agreement | USA

Collaborate with another business to develop new markets to your mutual benefit under this Business Alliance Agreement for U.S. companies.

  • The parties agree to cooperate in identifying prospective customers, representing products and providing technical support to customers.
  • Each party will be treated as the general contractor for projects in which it proposes the goods and services of the other party.
  • Each party shall be liable only to the extent of its respective interest.
  • Each party shall treat all information received from the other party as confidential.
  • The template can be used anywhere in the United States.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Expand your markets, grow your business and capitalize on opportunities through strategic relationships.

Collateral Trust Agreement between Partners

Prepare a Collateral Trust Agreement Between Partners with this downloadable template for a two-person partnership.

  • One partner appoints a trustee to hold a life insurance policy or policies on the life of the other partner in trust on the partner's behalf.
  • Upon the death of the insured partner, the partner agrees to purchase the insured partner's interest, using the proceeds from the insurance policy ⁄ policies.
  • The trustee will hold the insurance policy / policies in trust, but the partner will receive all dividends.
  • The partner will pay the trustee a yearly fee for acting as trustee.
  • This legal form template is fully editable and can be easily customized to meet your needs.
  • This is a generic form which does not contain references to the laws of any particular country and can be used in many countries and jurisdictions.

Equipment Rental Joint Venture Agreement | Canada

Set up a joint venture to rent equipment with this downloadable Equipment Rental Joint Venture Agreement for Canada.

  • The joint venture will purchase equipment which will be rented to customers.
  • One of the parties will act as the manager of the joint venture's business.
  • The managing co-venturer is accountable to the other co-venturers for the management of the joint venture.
  • The remaining co-venturers have a right of first refusal to purchase the interest of a departing co-venturer.
  • Provisions for remedies upon the default of any co-venturer.
  • Provisions for winding up the joint venture.
  • This legal agreement template is available as a fully editable MS Word document.
  • Intended for use only in Canada.

General Partnership Agreement | Australia

Set up a business partnership between two or more partners with this General Partnership Agreement template for Australia.

  • The term of the partnership is open ended, and will continue until all the partners agree to dissolve the partnership.
  • The agreement provides for additional capital contributions to be injected into the partnership by all partners when a cash call is made.
  • The partners cannot make voluntary capital contributions or make withdrawals of capital without the consent of all partners.
  • No partner may loan money to the partnership without the approval of the other partners.
  • Calculation and allocation of profits and losses will not take into account any tax-exempt income.
  • Method for appointing a managing partner to run the day to day operations.
  • Partners may engage in outside business activities so long as they do not compete with the partnership's business.
  • The partnership will not dissolve upon the death, disability or withdrawal of a partner.
  • Right of first refusal by other partners to purchase the interest of a withdrawing partner.
  • Available in MS Word format and fully editable to fit your circumstances.
  • Intended to be used only within Australia.

General Partnership Agreement | USA

Establish a general partnership with this comprehensive document template for USA partnerships.

  • Voluntary capital contributions or withdrawals require the consent of all partners.
  • Profits and losses will be divided equally among the partners.
  • Any new partner admitted into the partnership must match the initial capital contributions of the existing partners.
  • The partnership dissolves upon the death, disability or voluntary withdrawal of a partner, or if a partner fails to make a capital contribution when required.
  • Withdrawing partners must agree not to compete with the partnership.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Governed by US laws and intended to be used only in the United States.

Guide to Partnership Buyouts

Are you selling your interest in a business partnership, or buying out a partner's interest? This Guide to Partnership Buyouts can assist you in structuring the transaction.

Whether you are buying out your partner, or you are the one being bought out, and whether the buyout is friendly or bitter or sudden or planned, there are many things you need to think about. This expert guide offers insights into:
  • why business partners fight,
  • the role partnership agreements play,
  • how to avoid disputes when the partnership terminates or a partner leaves,
  • a comprehensive checklist for buying out a partner.

If you're a partner, you need to get a copy of the Guide to Partnership Buyouts.


India Partnership Deed

Establish the terms of a partnership in India with this ready-made Partnership Deed template.

  • Management. One of the partners will be the managing partner and will conduct the partnership's affairs.
  • Capital Contributions. The partners will contribute additional funds to their respective capital accounts as required by the partnership business.
  • Interest. Interest will be paid on the capital and/or loan accounts of the partners. If a partner's capital account has a debit balance, the partner will pay interest to the partnership at an agreed rate.
  • Profits and Losses. Net profits will be distributed among the partners in proportion to their capital contributions. Losses will be allocated on the same basis.
  • Personal Debts. Each partner agrees to pay his separate debts and to indemnify the other partner(s) and the assets of the partnership against such debts.
  • Death or Retirement. No goodwill will be payable on the death or retirement of a partner.
  • Dispute Resolution. The parties agree to binding arbitration in the event of a dispute.
This India Partnership Deed template is available in MS Word format, and is fully editable to fit your particular circumstances.

India Partnership Dissolution Deed

Dissolve a partnership in India with this fully editable Partnership Dissolution Deed form.

  • The partners warrant to each other that they have not collected any money or discharged any claim or debt due to the partnership.
  • The partners warrant that they have not incurred any obligation which will affect the partnership, other than those already recorded on the books.
  • Each partner releases the other partners from any claims or proceedings in respect of partnership business.
  • Each party shall pay his respective liabilities and taxes, and will indemnify the other partners in respect thereof.
  • This is a fully editable legal form which can be easily customised to fit your specific circumstances.
This India Partnership Dissolution Deed template is available in MS Word format.

India Partnership Retirement Deed

Facilitate the exit of a retiring partner and deal with their partnership interest with this Deed of Retirement for an Indian partnership.

  • The retiring partner relinquishes all right and interest in and to the partnership business and assets, and will not share in the profits of the business after the date of retirement.
  • The retiring partner will have no liability for partnership debts, taxes or other amounts relating to the business after the date of retirement.
This Indian Partnership Retirement Deed template is available in MS Word format, and is fully editable to meet your specific needs.

India Property Release Deed by Partner

Release and transfer a retiring partner's interest in an Indian partnership to a remaining partner with this Property Release Deed by Partner.

The retiring partner releases all of his interest in the partnership property to the remaining partner and renounces all claims he may have against any of the property, whether movable or immovable.

This India Property Release Deed by Partner form is available as a downloadable MS Word file which is fully editable to fit your particular circumstances.

International Joint Venture Agreement

Set up an international joint venture between two or more parties with this International Joint Venture Agreement template.

  • Contributions of Parties. Each of the joint venturers will contribute certain assets to the joint venture, such as tangible property, intellectual property, services and expertise.
  • Management. The day-to-day operations will be managed either jointly or by one of the co-venturers as manager. Executive decisions and changes to the structure or objectives of the joint venture will be made jointly by the parties.
  • Liability of Co-Venturers. Each co-venturer is liable to the joint venture for any delays or restrictions in the use of its contributed assets due to third party claims, defects or other problems.
  • Dispute Resolution. Provisions for dispute resolution, including the appointment of an arbitration tribunal.

This International Joint Venture Agreement template is fully customizable to fit your business needs.


International Joint Venture Agreement Operated by Management Committee

Set up an international joint venture to be managed by a committee with this template International Joint Venture Agreement.

  • Contributions of Parties. Each of the co-venturers will contribute certain assets to the joint venture, such as tangible property, intellectual property, services and expertise.
  • Management. The day-to-day operations will be managed by a management committee, made up of representatives of the parties.
  • Fundamental Changes. Executive decisions and fundamental changes to the structure or objectives of the joint venture will be made by all the parties.
  • Liability of Co-Venturers. Each party is liable to the joint venture for any delays or restrictions in the use of its contributed assets due to third party claims, defects or other problems.
  • Exit Provisions. Provisions for departure or removal of a party.
  • Disputes. Provisions for dispute resolution, including the appointment of an arbitration tribunal.
This template International Joint Venture Agreement Operated by Management Committee is available in MS Word format, and is fully customizable to meet your business needs.

Joint Product Development Agreement

Use this template contract to write a Joint Product Development Agreement between a client and a developer to develop prototype products for manufacture and distribution.

  • The client will supply the necessary equipment, and the developer will obtain all regulatory approvals required for manufacturing, selling, licensing and leasing the products.
  • The developer owns the background technology.
  • All products, documentation, inventions and developments created under the agreement belong jointly to both parties.
  • Either party may propose changes to the specifications, but no changes will be implemented unless agreed in writing by both parties.
  • The developer indemnifies the client against claims and losses.
  • The customer may terminate the agreement at any time, and the developer will have no claim for damages, losses, compensation or otherwise, except to the extent expressly provided in the Agreement.
  • This is a downloadable, fully editable legal contract template in MS Word format.

Joint Venture Agreement for Developing Training Courses

Set up a joint venture to conduct training courses with this template Joint Venture Agreement for Developing Training Courses.

  • One of the parties (Party 1) will provide instructors and course materials, the other party (Party 2) will develop a training and planning guide and a marketing strategy, and obtain and provide classroom facilities.
  • Each party is responsible for its own costs.
  • Both parties rank equally in priority with respect to distribution of profits.
  • Party 1 will be reimbursed by Party 2 for all costs associated with the same, including traveling expenses and accommodation for instructors.
  • Party 2 will be entitled to compensation for administrative expenses, over and above the actual cost.
  • This legal contract template is downloadable and fully editable to fit your business needs.

Joint Venture Agreement for Rental Property

Establish a joint venture to purchase and maintain a rental revenue property with this template Joint Venture Agreement for Rental Property.

  • The business of the joint venture is limited to the acquisition, development, rental and management of the properties.
  • One of the joint venturers will hold title to the land as a bare trustee on behalf of all of the parties.
  • The agreement does not create a partnership between the parties.
  • Each joint venturer is entitled to receive revenues and will pay for the joint venture's expenditures in proportion to that party's respective interest.
  • Each party indemnifies the other parties against third party claims.
  • Funds required by the joint venture will be advanced equally by each of the joint venturers. If any party defaults in contributing funds, they will not be entitled to receive revenues until they have made their contribution.
  • Buying rental property with family or friends can involve financial and legal risks. Protect all parties by signing this Joint Venture Agreement.

Joint Venture Agreement to Develop Products | Canada

Set up a joint venture to develop and market products in Canada with this template Joint Venture Agreement.

  • The joint venture is formed between a party who owns proprietary rights in the products and one or more other parties who will raise the capital for developing, marketing and distributing the products through the sale of shares of stock.
  • One of the joint venturers will manage the business of the joint venture and act as trustee and agent on behalf of all of the joint venturers.
  • The owner of the products will provide consulting services as required, and will be paid a consulting fee.
  • Available in MS Word format, fully editable.
  • Governed by Canadian laws.

Joint Venture Agreement to Purchase Mortgage | USA

Prepare a Joint Venture Agreement for a venture being set up to purchase a mortgage using this digital template for the USA.

  • The parties are jointly purchasing a promissory note secured by a mortgage or deed of trust.
  • Each party shall contribute a specified amount of capital, and make additional contributions as required.
  • Each party is entitled to revenues in proportion to their respective interests.
  • Decisions require the approval of all venturers.
  • The joint venture will not maintain a bank account in its own name, but will use a mortgage servicing company to collect payments and make distributions.
  • The parties appoint an attorney in fact to effect the purchase of a suitable mortgage.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Intended to be used only in the United States.

Joint Venture Agreement with Foreign Company | India

Set up a joint venture between an Indian company and a foreign business entity with this template India Joint Venture Agreement with Foreign Company.

  • Purpose of Agreement. A collaboration of this type allows more businesses to expand into markets they otherwise might not have access to.
  • Registration of Company. The co-venturers will register a separate joint venture company to carry on the business of the joint venture.
  • Management. The co-venturers will jointly own, operate and manage the joint venture company.
  • Decision Making. The company's board of directors will make all major policy decisions. Each of the joint venturers will be represented on the board of directors, in proportion to their equity in the company.
  • Confidentiality and Non-Competition. The parties mutually agree not to disclose any confidential information of the joint venture, and not to compete directly or indirectly with the company anywhere within India.

This Indian Joint Venture Agreement with Foreign Company template is a downloadable and fully editable MS Word document.


Joint Venture Agreement with Trustee for Franchise

Set up a joint venture to purchase franchises with this template Joint Venture Agreement with Trustee for Franchise.

  • The Agreement is between the co-venturers and a trustee who will hold title to the franchises as bare trustee on behalf of the joint venture. The Agreement covers such matters as:
    • the structure of the joint venture,
    • transfer of the franchises from the trustee to the joint venturers,
    • responsibility of the joint venture to pay the trustee's expenses,
    • management of the joint venture, including financial management,
    • capital requirements and advances from each of the joint venturers.
  • This Joint Venture Agreement with Trustee for Franchise template is fully editable and is easy to customize to fit your needs.
  • This is a generic legal template which is not specific to any country or region.

Joint Venture and Land Development Agreement | Canada

Set up a joint venture between a land developer and a land owner to develop a property with this Joint Venture and Land Development Agreement for Canadian projects.

  • The Agreement dictates how the parties will develop, construct and market a major project on the subject property.
  • The parties will incorporate a new corporation to hold the land as bare trustee on behalf of the joint venture.
  • The trustee corporation will be managed by the land developer.
  • The parties are not partners, agents or legal representatives of each other.
  • The parties agree not to resort to any action to partition the property.
  • All listing and sale prices will be mutually determined by both parties.
  • Each party has a right of first refusal to purchase the other party's interest.

A joint venture to develop land is a major undertaking and the underlying agreement needs to address all of the salient issues. Get this Canada Joint Venture and Land Development Agreement for your project.


Letter of Intent for Offshore Joint Venture

This Letter of Intent summaries negotiations between participants in an offshore joint venture who plan to set up a foreign corporation in the target country.

  • The new foreign corporation will be formed solely for the purpose of the joint venture business.
  • Each of the joint venturers will hold shares in the new corporation.
  • Each of the co-venturers will contribute certain assets and take on responsibilities, such as arranging financing for the joint venture.
  • The parties will bear their own respective expenses.
  • If a binding formal agreement is not signed by the drop-dead date, the parties can terminate the negotiations without liability.
  • Available in MS Word format. Customizable and reusable.
  • This is a generic letter of intent template that can be used in many jurisdictions.

Letter of Intent to Form Joint Venture

Set out the terms on which a joint venture enterprise will be established in this generic Letter of Intent to Form Joint Venture.

  • The Letter of Intent summarizes the discussions between the parties with respect to the general structure of the venture corporation and the rights and obligations of the co-venturers.
  • The co-venturers will incorporate a new company solely to carry on the business of the joint venture.
  • The company will be managed by a board of directors consisting of nominees of each of the co-venturers.
  • Shareholder equity in the venture corporation will be apportioned on the same ratio as the investment made by each of the co-venturers in the joint venture.
  • The letter of intent itself is not legally binding, but rather it is a means of ensuring that both parties have the same understanding of the provisions before executing a formal, final and legally binding agreement.
  • This is a generic template which is not country specific and can be used anywhere.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Limited Partnership Agreement | Canada

Set up a limited partnership in Canada with this downloadable Limited Partnership Agreement template.

  • The general partner will have unlimited liability for the debts and liabilities of the partnership.
  • The liability of the limited partners is limited to the amount of the subscription paid by each of them for their partnership units.
  • The general partner is responsible for managing the business of the partnership.
  • The general partner will hold title to all assets and equipment acquired on behalf of the partnership.
  • The partners will be entitled to share in the profits of the business.
  • The remaining partners have a right of first refusal to purchase the interest of a withdrawing partner.
  • This legal form template is available in MS Word format and is fully editable to meet your needs.
  • Governed by Canadian laws.

Limited Partnership Agreement | USA

Set up a USA limited partnership between a general partner and several limited partners with this Limited Partnership Agreement template.

  • The General Partner will not be required to contribute any cash to the capital of the Partnership. The Limited Partners must each purchase a minimum number of units.
  • The limited partners are not liable for the debts or liabilities of the Partnership and are not required to make additional capital contributions.
  • The liability exposure of the limited partners is limited to the amount of the subscription paid by each of them for their partnership units.
  • The General Partner has full authority in the management of the Partnership.
  • The agreement includes provisions for withdrawal of the General Partner and assignment of a partnership interest. The Partnership has a right of first refusal to purchase the withdrawing partner's units.
  • This template is provided in MS Word format and is easy to download and customize.
  • Governed by U.S. laws and intended to be used only within the United States.

Manitoba Joint Venture Agreement

Set up a joint venture in Manitoba with this fully editable Joint Venture Agreement template.

  • The co-venturer who manages the business of the joint venture will be paid a management fee.
  • Any transfer of a co-venturer's interest in the joint venture requires the consent of the other co-venturers.
  • If a co-venturer dies, their interest will automatically pass to their spouse or children.
  • Each co-venturer has a right of first refusal and piggyback rights on the interest of the other parties, in the event of a sale or transfer.
  • Any co-venturer may exercise a shot-gun (buy-sell) provision to force the sale of another venturer's interest.

To get access to the Manitoba Joint Venture Agreement, add it to your cart and check out. You can then immediately download the form.


New Brunswick Joint Venture Agreement

Create a joint venture in New Brunswick with this fully editable Joint Venture Agreement template.

  • One of the co-venturers will manage the joint venture, and will be paid a management fee.
  • No co-venturer may transfer their interest without the consent of the other parties, except if he/she dies, upon which their interest will automatically pass to their spouse or children.
  • Each co-venturer has a right of first refusal and piggyback rights on the interest of the other parties, in the event of a sale or transfer.
  • Any co-venturer may exercise a shot-gun (buy-sell) provision with respect to the interest of another co-venturer.

This New Brunswick Joint Venture Agreement is available as a downloadable Microsoft Word file.


New York Limited Partnership Agreement

Set up a limited partnership between a general partner and several limited partners with this Limited Partnership Agreement template for the State of New York.

  • Limited partners must purchase a minimum number of partnership units in accordance with a private placement offering. Limited partners will not be obligated to make additional capital contributions.
  • Capital contributions not used for operations within a specified number of years will be returned, with deductions for offering expenses.
  • Capital contributions cannot be withdrawn or reduced except as a result of the dissolution of the partnership.
  • Partnership units may be transferred or assigned with the consent of the general partner.
  • Additional general partners may be admitted, provided they have substantial means to protect the federal tax status of the partnership. Any additional general partners will not be entitled to share in the distributions allocable to the limited partners.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Intended for use only in the State of New York.

Newfoundland Joint Venture Agreement

Set up a joint venture with this fully editable Joint Venture Agreement template for Newfoundland and Labrador.

  • One of the co-venturers will be named as manager of the joint venture, and will receive a management fee for providing such services.
  • Upon the death of a co-venturer, their interest will automatically pass to their spouse or children.
  • Each co-venturer has a right of first refusal and piggyback rights on the interest of the other parties, in the event of a sale or transfer.
  • Any co-venturer may exercise a shot-gun (buy-sell) provision with respect to the interest of another co-venturer.
This Newfoundland Joint Venture Agreement is available as a downloadable Microsoft Word file which is fully editable to meet your needs.

Nova Scotia Joint Venture Agreement

Set up a joint venture in Nova Scotia with this Joint Venture Agreement template.

  • One of the co-venturers will be the manager of the joint venture and will be paid a management fee.
  • Upon the death of a co-venturer, their interest will automatically pass to their spouse or children.
  • Each co-venturer has a right of first refusal and piggyback rights on the interest of the other parties.
  • Any co-venturer may exercise a shot-gun (buy-sell) provision with respect to the interest of another co-venturer.
This Nova Scotia Joint Venture Agreement is available as a downloadable Microsoft Word file which is fully editable to meet your needs.

Ontario Joint Venture Agreement

Establish a joint venture in Ontario with this template Joint Venture Agreement.

  • One of the co-venturers will be responsible for management of the joint venture, and will be paid a management fee for providing such services.
  • No co-venturer may transfer their interest without the consent of the other venturers, except if he/she dies, when their interest will automatically pass to their spouse or children.
  • Each co-venturer has a right of first refusal and piggyback rights on the interest of the other parties, in the event of a sale or transfer.
  • Any co-venturer may exercise a shot-gun (buy-sell) provision with respect to the interest of another co-venturer.
  • This legal form is available as a downloadable Microsoft Word file which is fully editable to meet your needs.
  • Intended for use in the Province of Ontario, Canada.

Ontario Partnership Agreement

Set up a general partnership in Ontario with this downloadable Partnership Agreement template.

  • The Partnership Agreement contains provisions for:
    • Admission of new partners.
    • Allocation of profits and losses, and income and losses for income tax purposes, among the partners in proportion to their respective interests.
    • If partnership earnings are not sufficient to pay its debts and liabilities, the partners will make up the difference in proportion to their respective interests.
    • If any partner is required to pay more than its share due to default on the part of another partner, the first partner will have a lien and charge against the income account of the defaulting partner.
    • Management of the business of the partnership by a managing committee.
    • Withdrawal of a partner.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Ontario, Canada.

Ontario Partnership Agreement with Special Unit Provisions

Prepare a Partnership Agreement for an Ontario partnership with this template, which provides for a special partnership unit to be issued for assets vended in.

  • Ordinary partnership units are issued to the partners in accordance with their financial contributions, and a special unit is issued to one partner which has vended in certain assets to be used by the partnership business.
  • The holder of the special unit will be allocated profits (or losses) in addition to those allocated among the ordinary units.
  • Partnership units of a withdrawing partner will be distributed among the remaining partners pro rata their holdings, except for the special unit, which will be redeemed in exchange for a promissory note.
  • This legal contract template is available as a fully editable and customizable MS Word document.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Ontario, Canada.

Ontario Partnership Dissolution Agreement

Wind up an Ontario general partnership with this Partnership Dissolution Agreement.

  • The remaining partner buys out the interest of the resigning partner and assumes the partnership debts and obligations, in order to continue carrying on business.
  • The partners will post an advertisement in The Ontario Gazette to notify interested parties of the dissolution.
  • This legal template is provided in MS Word format and is fully editable to fit your particular circumstances.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Ontario, Canada.

Partnership Agreement for Professional Corporations | Canada

Form a partnership between two professional corporations with this template Partnership Agreement for Canadian businesses.

  • Application. The Partnership Agreement can be used by legal, accounting, architectural, consulting, medical or other professionals to help share the costs of the practice, as opposed to operating as a sole practitioner which can be much more costly and constitute a much larger business risk.
  • Operations and Capital Contributions. The partners mutually agree on how the business and operations of the partnership will be conducted, and the responsibilities and capital contributions of each of the partners.
  • Debts and Liabilities. Each partner is responsible for paying his/her own debts, and must keep the partnership property and the interests of other partners free from claims or demands.
  • Assignment. Partners cannot assign their partnership interest or incur liabilities which might put their interest in danger of attachment.

Purchase the Canada Partnership Agreement for Professional Corporations by adding it to your cart and checking out. You'll be able to download it and use it at your leisure.


Partnership Agreement to Dissolve on Death or Insolvency

This Partnership Agreement template contains clauses providing for the partnership to dissolve upon the death, insolvency or mental incapacity of one of the partners.

  • Decisions must be made by a majority of ownership interests.
  • Any partner can also dissolve the partnership by giving written notice to the other partners.
  • The partners agree to resolve any disputes through arbitration.
  • There are no provisions for the sale or disposition of the interest of any partner, so partners cannot withdraw from the partnership.
  • This is a generic legal template that is not country-specific and can be used in many jurisdictions.

Download the Partnership Agreement template immediately after you purchase it, personalize it with your details, print and sign.


Partnership Agreement with Mandatory Shotgun Provisions

Prepare a Partnership Agreement with shotgun provisions with this fully editable template.

  • The partners agree not to compete with the partnership's business.
  • The partnership's business will be run by a management committee appointed by the partners.
  • Each partner has a right of first refusal to acquire the partnership interest of a departing partner.
  • A partner wishing to withdraw may issue a mandatory shotgun buy-sell notice to the other partners.
  • Upon the death of a partner, the surviving partner(s) must purchase the interest of the deceased partner, with the buy-out funded by life insurance policies purchased on each of the principals.
  • If a partner becomes disabled and unable to continue, the remaining partner(s) will have the option to wind up the partnership or buy out the disabled partner's interest.
  • This legal agreement template is a generic form which can be easily modified to include provisions required by the laws in your area.

Partnership Buyout Checklist

Before you buy out your partner's interest in your business, read this 6-page checklist of issues you need to consider, such as:

  • valuation and financial status of the partnership business;
  • alternatives to a buy-out;
  • preservation of the value of the partnership;
  • setting the purchase price;
  • financing;
  • tax and legal issues.

Buying out a partner can be difficult and stressful. The Partnership Buyout Checklist is a handy tool to help you work through the process. Download yours today.


Partnership Dissolution Agreement | USA

Wind up a general partnership in the United States with this USA Partnership Dissolution Agreement.

  • The partnership's books will be audited and a dissolution bank account set up, into which the capital account will be transferred, along with any additional sums necessary to pay the partnership debts and liabilities.
  • One partner transfers all title and interest in the partnership's assets to the other partner, who will pay an agreed purchase price for the departing partner's interest and take over the business.
  • Available in MS Word format and fully customizable.
  • Intended to be used only in the United States.

PEI Joint Venture Agreement

Create a joint venture in Prince Edward Island with this template Joint Venture Agreement.

  • One of the co-venturers will be the manager of the joint venture, and will be paid a management fee.
  • No co-venturer may transfer their interest without the consent of the other venturers.
  • If a co-venturer dies, their interest will automatically pass to their spouse or children.
  • Each co-venturer has a right of first refusal and piggyback rights on the interest of the other parties, in the event of a sale or transfer.
  • Any co-venturer may exercise a shot-gun (buy-sell) provision with respect to the interest of another co-venturer.
This PEI Joint Venture Agreement is available as a downloadable Microsoft Word file which is fully editable to meet your needs.

Provisions to Create Phantom Partnership Interests

Create phantom partnership interests for persons who have made significant contributions by adding these provisions to your Partnership Agreement.

  • Phantom partnership units can be issued to employees, professional advisors, consultants and other parties whose contributions have been a significant factor in the business' success.
  • Each holder of phantom units is deemed included as a partner, and is entitled to distributions to partners, notwithstanding that s/he is not actually a partner.
  • Phantom units cannot be transferred without the consent of the General Partner.
  • This form is available in MS Word format.
$2.29 $1.99

Real Estate General Partnership Agreement | USA

Set up a general partnership for buying, developing and leasing real estate properties with this USA Real Estate General Partnership Agreement template.

  • Cash flow of the partnership will be distributed among the partners in the same proportion as profits and losses are allocated.
  • If the income produced by the partnership properties is not sufficient to pay operating costs, the partners will contribute additional funds in proportion to their capital interests.
  • If a partner fails to make his/her contribution, the other partners may contribute additional funds, which may be treated either as additional capital or as a loan to the defaulting partner.
  • A partner may transfer all or part of his interest to or for the benefit of a spouse or descendant(s).
  • If a partner wants to transfer all or part of his interest to someone other than a family member, the other partners have a first right of refusal to purchase the interest.
  • The partnership can be terminated by a majority vote (based on interests). Upon termination the partnership assets will be sold and any net proceeds will be distributed to the partners in proportion to their capital interests.
  • The USA Real Estate General Partnership Agreement template is available as a downloadable Microsoft Word file, which is fully customizable to meet your needs.

Real Estate Limited Partnership Agreement | USA

Create a limited partnership for purchasing investment real estate properties in the USA under this Real Estate Limited Partnership Agreement.

  • In addition to cash contributions to capital, the general partners will contribute to the partnership certain real estate property under a contract for purchase and sale.
  • The partnership assumes all of the purchaser's obligations under this contract, except for the payment of costs associated with the purchase transaction, which will be paid by the general partners.
  • Partnership profits and losses will be distributed among or borne by the partners in proportion to their capital contributions.
  • Proceeds from the sale of any property or asset held by the partnership will be allocated among the partners in amounts equal to their cash contributions, and a portion of the balance allocated proportionately among the partners in proportion to their capital contributions.
  • None of the partners will receive a salary or be entitled to draws for services rendered on behalf of the partnership.
  • No Limited Partner shall have the right to substitute an assignee as contributor in his place.
  • This template is provided in MS Word format, and is easy to download, edit with your specific details, and print.
  • This legal form is governed by the laws of the United States.

Sale and Assignment of Partnership Interest | USA

Sell your interest in a partnership with this Sale and Assignment of Partnership Interest form for United States partnerships.

  • The buyer of the interest becomes a partner and assumes all of the seller's obligations under the Partnership Agreement.
  • Each of the parties indemnifies the other against claims and damages.
  • The form includes the consent of the remaining partners to the sale of the interest.
  • The assignment is governed by the laws of the State in which the partnership was formed.
  • This legal form template is fully editable to fit your specific circumstances.

Saskatchewan Joint Venture Agreement

Set up a joint venture with this template Joint Venture Agreement for Saskatchewan.

  • One of the co-venturers will manage the joint venture, and will be paid a management fee.
  • No co-venturer may transfer their interest without the consent of the other venturers, except upon their death when their interest will automatically pass to their spouse or children.
  • Each co-venturer has a right of first refusal and piggyback rights on the interest of the other parties, in the event of a sale or transfer.
  • Any co-venturer may exercise a shot-gun (buy-sell) provision with respect to the interest of another co-venturer.
  • Available as a downloadable Microsoft Word file which is fully editable to meet your needs.
  • Intended to be used only in the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Agreement | China

Set up a joint venture in China with this Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Agreement, in accordance with the Management of Foreign Joint Venture Enterprise Law of the PRC.

  • This joint venture can be between individuals or corporate bodies, with at least one party being resident in China.
  • Any party that fails to pay in its investment by the due date is required to pay a penalty calculated as a percentage of its total investment amount.
  • If one of the venturers wishes to sell all or part of its interest in the joint venture, the other party has a first right of refusal to acquire the interest.
  • The board of directors appointed by the venturers will make all significant decisions for the joint venture. The chairman of the board will be the joint venture's legal representative.
  • The board will appoint a general manager to be responsible for the joint venture's operations. The general manager, in turn, will appoint administrative management heads to run the day-to-day business.
  • Supplies, equipment, commodities and materials will be purchased in China if all terms are equal. Any items purchased overseas must be based on the best price ⁄ performance mix.
  • All financial audits must be done by an accountant registered and allowed to practice in China.
  • This agreement is governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.
  • This is an English-language legal form. A Chinese translation of the document may be required.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Sino-Foreign Limited Liability Joint Venture Contract | China

Set up a limited liability joint venture company in China with this Sino-Foreign Limited Liability Joint Venture Contract, in accordance with the Sino-Foreign Contractual Joint Venture Law.

  • This joint venture is between two corporate bodies, one a Chinese national corporation and the other a foreign company.
  • The parties will set up a limited liability company, which will be established as a contractual joint venture.
  • The foreign company's initial capital contribution may be in cash or in kind, equipment and machinery. It will make an additional capital contribution each year.
  • The national company's initial capital contribution will consist of its existing assets that it is contributing to the operations of the joint venture, including inventory, equipment, vehicles, buildings, labour, land, etc.
  • If additional contributions are required, they are to take the form of shareholder loans. Each shareholder will be required to provide one-half of such additional contributions.
  • The national company will be solely responsible for paying relocation costs, pension fund payments, termination costs, or any outstanding liability, tax or other debts it incurs.
  • The foreign company will be responsible for assisting the joint venture in engaging foreign agents, providing capital, making any purchases the venture requires from outside of China, and selling the venture's products internationally.
  • The national company will obtain all necessary approvals and permits, obtaining utilities, space and labour at the best prices, and will deal with all government officials in the course of business.
  • This English language Sino-Foreign Limited Liability Joint Venture Contract template is prepared in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China. A Chinese translation of the document may also be required for it to be legally enforceable.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Software Development Joint Venture Agreement

Set up a joint venture to create new software apps with this downloadable Software Development Joint Venture Agreement.

  • The parties will form a corporation which will issue proportionate numbers of shares to the co-venturers.
  • The relationship will be a joint venture, not a partnership.
  • Provisions governing management of the business and affairs of the joint venture.
  • Provisions for buying out the interest of a venturer in the event of default.
  • This is a generic legal document which does not contain direct references to the laws or regulations of any specific country.
  • This Software Development Joint Venture Agreement template can be easily customized to fit your particular circumstances.

Software Development Joint Venture Agreement | Canada

Set up a joint venture to develop new software applications with this Canada Software Development Joint Venture Agreement.

  • The Agreement is between a software developer and a client who will invest in the project.
  • The parties agree to form a corporation which will issue shares to the joint venturers proportionate to their investment.
  • For tax purposes, the relationship is deemed to be a joint venture, not a partnership.
  • The agreement contains:
    • provisions setting out how the business and affairs of the joint venture will be managed;
    • provisions for one joint venturer to buy out the interest of another if an event of default occurs.
  • Each co-venturer will be free to continue their own business activities separately and apart from the joint venture, unless the activities directly compete with the business of the joint venture.
  • This Software Development Joint Venture Agreement is governed by the laws of Canada and can be used in any province or territory except Quebec.

Software Development Joint Venture Agreement | USA

Set up a joint venture between a software developer and a client with this USA Software Development Joint Venture Agreement template for US based businesses.

  • The parties will form a corporation which will issue proportionate numbers of shares to the co-venturers.
  • The relationship will be a joint venture, not a partnership.
  • The contract sets out how the business and affairs of the joint venture will be managed.
  • The document also contains a mechanism for one co-venturer to buy out the interest of another in the event of default.
  • This Software Development Joint Venture Agreement is governed by the laws of the United States.
  • This is a downloadable template that can be easily modified and customized to fit your unique business needs.

Software Development Partnership Agreement | Australia

Develop and market software products with a partner under this comprehensive Partnership Agreement for Australian software developers.

  • The partners agree to work together to develop, implement, market and provide ongoing support for the software products.
  • One partner will have primary responsibility for development of the software and the other will have primary responsibility for marketing and selling the final product. Both parties will be required to expend sufficient time and effort in all areas.
  • The partners will have equal rights in managing the business but neither partner has the authority to act on behalf of the other partner.
  • Revenues will be deposited into an operating account from which partnership expenses will be paid. Profits will be distributed to the partners at regular intervals.
  • Each partner is responsible for paying their own taxes and remittances.
  • The Agreement contains two alternate sets of clauses for ownership of the intellectual property - one for joint ownership and one for individual ownership.
  • The document also contains confidentiality and non-competition provisions.
  • This Agreement is governed by the laws of Australia and can be used in any state or territory.
  • The form is available as a MS Word template and is fully editable to fit your unique circumstances.

Software Development Partnership Agreement | Canada

Create a strategic partnership to develop and market software apps in Canada with this Software Development Partnership Agreement template.

  • The partners agree to work together to develop, implement, market and provide ongoing support for the software.
  • The partners will work together to develop, implement, market and provide ongoing support for the software.
  • One of the partners will have primary responsibility for development of the software, and the other will have primary responsibility for marketing and selling the final product. However, both parties will be required to expend sufficient time and effort in all areas.
  • Both parties will have equal rights in managing the business, but neither partner has the authority to act on behalf of the other partner.
  • Revenues will be deposited into an operating account from which partnership expenses will be paid. Profits will be distributed to the partners at regular intervals.
  • Each partner is responsible for paying their own taxes and remittances.
  • The Agreement contains two alternate sets of clauses for ownership of the intellectual property - one for joint ownership and one for individual ownership.
  • The file also contains confidentiality and non-competition provisions.
  • The Agreement is governed by Canadian intellectual property laws.
  • The document is available as a MS Word template and is fully editable to fit your unique needs.

Software Development Partnership Agreement | UK

Set up a strategic partnership to develop and market software apps in the UK with this comprehensive Software Development Partnership Agreement.

  • The Agreement is between two parties who will work together to develop, implement, market and provide ongoing support for the software.
  • One of the partners will have primary responsibility for software development, and the other will have primary responsibility for marketing and selling the final product. Both partners will be required to expend sufficient time and effort in all areas.
  • Each partner will have equal rights in managing the business, but neither partner has the authority to act on behalf of the other partner.
  • Revenues will be deposited into an operating account from which partnership expenses will be paid. Profits from sales of the software will be distributed to the partners at regular intervals.
  • Each partner is responsible for paying their own taxes and remittances.
  • Contains alternative clauses for joint ownership and individual ownership of intellectual property.
  • Also contains confidentiality and non-competition provisions.
  • This legal contract is governed by English laws.
  • The template is provided in MS Word format and can be easily modified to fit your unique circumstances.

Software Development Partnership Agreement | USA

Set up a strategic partnership to develop and market software apps in the USA with this comprehensive Software Development Partnership Agreement.

  • The partners will work together to develop, implement, market and provide ongoing support for the software.
  • One of the partners will have primary responsibility for development of the software, and the other will have primary responsibility for marketing and selling the final product. However, both parties will be required to expend sufficient time and effort in all areas.
  • Each partner will have equal rights in managing the business, but neither partner has the authority to act on behalf of the other partner.
  • Revenues will be deposited into an operating account from which partnership expenses will be paid. Profits will be distributed to the partners at regular intervals.
  • Each partner is responsible for paying their own taxes and remittances.
  • The Agreement contains two alternate sets of clauses for ownership of the intellectual property - one for joint ownership and one for individual ownership.
  • The file also contains confidentiality and non-competition provisions.
  • This USA Software Development Partnership Agreement template is provided in MS Word format, and is fully editable to fit your specific circumstances.

Subscription for Limited Partnership Units | Canada

Sell units in a limited partnership with this Subscription form and power of attorney for subscribers to a Canadian limited partnership.

  • Each subscriber for units in the partnership must complete and return the forms to the general partner, along with payment of the subscription price.
  • The power of attorney gives the general partner the authority to sign the partnership documents on behalf of the subscriber.
  • The forms are completely editable and can be used as often as required.
    • The Canada Limited Partnership Subscription and Power of Attorney package is a downloadable legal form which can be reused as often as you require.

    UK Joint Venture Agreement

    Create a joint venture between UK companies with this Joint Venture Agreement template for the United Kingdom.

    • The Agreement does not set up a partnership between the parties.
    • The profits and losses of the joint venturers will be allocated among the venturers in proportion to their respective capital contributions.
    • One of the joint venturers will manage the business and will be paid a fee for his/her services, and be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses incurred.
    • Each of the venturers will use all reasonable endeavours to promote the business of the joint venture.
    • Each of the venturers is responsible for keeping confidential any information of a proprietary nature with respect to the joint venture or the other venturers.
    • Intellectual property contributed for the benefit of the joint venture remains the property of the contributing party.
    This UK Joint Venture Agreement is in MS Word format and is fully editable.

    UK Partnership Agreement

    Set up a partnership in the UK with this easy-to-use Partnership Agreement template.

    • New partners may only be admitted with the unanimous approval of the founding partners.
    • If cash flow is insufficient to meet the business' needs, the partnership can call upon the partners to purchase additional units to provide the required additional cash.
    • Operating profits and losses and taxable operating profits and losses will be allocated to the partners pursuant to the Partnership Act.
    • Capital profits and losses and taxable capital profits and losses will be allocated up to the amounts of available cash distributed to the partners in excess of cumulative net operating profits. Available cash will be distributed yearly.
    • The partners will participate equally in the management of the partnership, but will not receive a salary as compensation for management services.
    • The partnership will terminate upon the death, bankruptcy or incompetency of a partner.
    This United Kingdom Partnership Agreement template is provided in MS Word format, and is fully editable to meet your needs.

    USA Fiscal Year Partnership Agreement

    This Partnership Agreement Template for U.S. partnerships restricts the partners' right to retire from the partnership to the end of any fiscal year.

    • Net profits will be divided equally and net losses will be borne equally by the partners.
    • Partners will not receive any salary for services rendered, but the partners may from time to time withdraw any credit balance in their respective income accounts.
    • The partners will have equal rights in managing the business, and each shall devote their entire time to the conduct of partnership business.
    • Upon the death of a partner, the surviving partner has the right to either purchase the decedent's interest or terminate the partnership.

    The USA Fiscal Year Partnership Agreement is a digital legal template that can be used anywhere throughout the United States.


    USA Joint Venture Agreement

    Set up a joint venture between two or more companies in the United States with this Joint Venture Agreement template.

    • The Agreement does not set up a partnership between the parties.
    • The template contains provisions for management by a managing co-venturer, or joint management by all the parties.
    • The co-venturers may have interests in other businesses outside of the joint venture. The template includes an optional non-competition provision.
    • The co-venturers indemnify each other against liability.

    To purchase the USA Joint Venture Agreement, add it to your cart and go through the secure checkout. Then download the form and you're ready to get started!


    USA Lawyer Partnership Agreement

    Draw up a Partnership Agreement between U.S. lawyers with this downloadable template.

    • The partners will not receive a salary for services rendered. Instead they will each have a drawing account from which they can make withdrawals in amounts agreed upon between the partners. Withdrawals will be charged against a partner's respective share of the profits.
    • All partners will participate in management, and no partner will engage in any other business without the consent of the other partners.
    • If a partner withdraws, he/she is entitled to take all files pertaining to clients whose affairs he/she has personally conducted, unless the client requests otherwise.
    • Procedure for determining the value of a partner's interest upon death, retirement or withdrawal from the partnership.
    • The surviving partners have the right to continue using the name of a deceased or retired partner in the partnership name.

    The USA Lawyer Partnership Agreement is a digital legal form in MS Word format. Buy, download, edit to fit your requirements. Then print and sign.


    USA Partnership Agreement to Create General Partner Entity

    Set up a partnership which will act as the general partner of a limited partnership with this USA Partnership Agreement template.

    • The partnership being formed by the agreement will be managed by a managing partner.
    • The managing partner will have control of the day-to-day business operations, and will be responsible for all tax matters. All matters outside of the day-to-day business will be decided by a majority vote of all partners.
    • The partners will devote a necessary amount of time and attention to the partnership business, but are not restricted from involvement in other businesses, whether they compete with the partnership business or not.
    • Admission to the partnership is limited to the managing partner, its CEO and the other officers and directors of the managing partner.
    This USA Partnership Agreement to Create General Partner Entity template is available as a MS Word download, and is fully editable to meet your needs.

    USA Partnership Agreement with Income to Continue After Death

    Prepare a Partnership Agreement with Income to Continue After Death with this easy template for the USA.
    • If a partner dies, the partnership continues as a partnership among the surviving partners and the estate of the deceased partner.
    • The decedent's estate continues to participate in the net earnings and losses of the partnership for a period of years and in a proportion stipulated in the Agreement. Profits will be paid to the estate in quarterly installments.
    • The capital account of the decedent will be determined at the time of death and will be paid to the estate in equal quarterly installments, together with interest.
    • A partner may retire from the partnership at the end of a calendar year, and the same provisions will apply to a retired partner as to a deceased partner.
    • The surviving partners have the right to continue using the name of a deceased or retired partner in the partnership name.
    This USA Partnership Agreement with Income to Continue After Death template is provided in MS Word format, and is fully editable to fit your particular circumstances.

    USA Real Estate Partnership Affidavit

    Prepare a Real Estate Partnership Affidavit for sale of a property in the United States with this easy-to-use template form.

    The affiant (the person making the affidavit) states that the real estate property described in the Affidavit is owned by the partnership and that the affiant has the authority to execute all documents on behalf of the partnership.

    This USA Real Estate Partnership Affidavit form is provided in MS Word format, and is easy to download, edit with your specific details, and print.