Will Clause Granting Life Estate in Residence to Spouse

Grant a life estate in a residence to your spouse with this free Will Clause. The clause is generic and can be used in wills in many different countries.

Will Clause Granting Life Estate in Residence to Spouse

To hold whatever house and property I may own and be using as a home at the time of my death as a home for my --(husband, wife)-- until --(his, her)-- death or until --(he, she)-- shall in writing advise my Trustee(s) that --(he, she)-- no longer desires to have such property held for --(him, her)--, whichever shall first occur, when the said property shall fall into and form part of the residue of my estate. My --(husband, wife)-- may at any time direct my Trustee(s) to sell such property and with the proceeds of such sale provide another house and property for --(his, her)-- use, occupation and enjoyment, and so on from item to time.

All taxes, insurance, repairs, mortgage interest and any other charges or amounts necessary for the general upkeep of the said property while it is held for my --(husband, wife)-- shall be paid by my Trustee(s) out of my general estate, and I will and declare that my Trustee(s) may in --(his, her, their)-- uncontrolled discretion make such payments or any of them out of the capital or income or in such proportions as --(he, she, they)-- think(s) fit.

Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 28-May-2021
SKU: 261