Condominium and Strata Forms

Download professionally prepared legal forms for condominiums, strata lots and commonhold titles.

  • Offers and sale contracts for condo buyers, sellers, realtors, and real estate lawyers.
  • Condo leases and tenancy agreements.
  • Template forms for developers, property managers and condo boards.
  • Residential and commercial condominium forms.
  • Downloadable, customizable, and reusable - save time and money.
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Alberta Agreement for Condominium Alterations

Are you planning renovations to your condo unit that might affect the common elements of the building? You'll need this Alteration and Indemnification Agreement to get the approval of the condominium corporation before you start.

  • This agreement template complies with the provisions of the Alberta Condominium Property Act.
  • As an inducement to get approval, the unit owner indemnifies the condo corporation and assumes full responsibility for any damages resulting from the renovations.
  • The renovations must be done in accordance with specifications approved by the corporation.
  • The owner warrants that the renovations will be in compliance with the requirements of the insurance policies covering the property, and the owner agrees to pay the cost of any increase in the insurance coverage.
  • Intended to be used only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Bare Land Condominium Bylaws

Prepare bylaws for an Alberta bare land condominium development with this easy-to-use template.

  • The by-laws set out how the condominium corporation will be operated, and the duties and rights of the owners, the corporation and the developer.
  • Initial matters such as the establishment of the reserve fund are dealt with.
  • Until real estate taxes are assessed on each unit, the taxes will be apportioned amongst all the owners according to their respective unit factors.
  • The developer is obligated to complete the common property, to remedy any defects, and to keep it free of liens and claims.
  • The Bare Land Condominium Bylaws template is prepared in compliance with the Condominium Property Act.
  • You can download the template immediately after paying for it.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Condominium Bylaws

Use this template set of Condominium Bylaws to create new bylaws for an Alberta condominium or amend the existing bylaws.

  • Every condominium corporation in Alberta must adopt bylaws that govern the operation and management of the project.
  • The Condominium Bylaws establish the following:
    • how the condominium corporation will operate and how it will run the building on behalf of the owners,
    • how the board of managers will be elected,
    • how meetings will be conducted,
    • how the affairs of the condominium will be managed,
    • the duties and obligations of the corporation and the owners.
  • These Bylaws comply with the requirements of the Condominium Property Act, updated to December 2022.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Alberta.

Alberta Condominium Fixed Term Lease

Lease a condo or townhouse in Alberta to a tenant with this Alberta Condominium Fixed Term Lease Agreement.

  • Application of Laws. The lease is governed by the Residential Tenancies Act and the Condominium Property Act. In the event of a conflict, the Condominium Property Act will apply.
  • Damage. The tenant agrees not to damage the building, the common areas and any other property belonging to the condominium corporation.
  • By-laws. The tenant also agrees to abide by the condo by-laws.
  • Rights of Corporation. The condominium corporation has the right to take legal action to evict the tenant if the tenant breaches his/her obligations under the Condominium Property Act.
  • Owner's Obligations. The condo owner (landlord) must provide the tenant with copies of the by-laws, and comply with its obligations under the Act and the By-laws with respect to leasing of the unit.
  • Expiry. The lease will revert to a month-to-month tenancy at the end of the term unless either party has given written notice of termination or the parties have signed a new lease.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Intended to be used only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Condominium Tenancy Agreement

Before you can rent your condo unit to a tenant, you'll need a good standard-form Tenancy Agreement.

  • The rental agreement is governed by the Alberta Residential Tenancies Act and the Condominium Property Act. In the event of a conflict, the Condominium Property Act will apply.
  • This agreement contemplates a monthly tenancy, but it can be easily edited for a bi-yearly or yearly tenancy.
  • The tenant agrees not to damage the building, the common areas and any other property belonging to the condominium corporation.
  • The tenant also agrees to abide by the By-laws and Rules and Regulations governing the building.
  • The condo association has the right to take legal action to evict the tenant if the tenant breaches his/her obligations under the Condominium Property Act.
  • The unit owner (landlord) must provide the tenant with copies of the by-laws, and comply with its obligations under the By-laws and provincial laws and regulations governing rental of the unit.
  • Available as a downloadable and fully editable MS Word template.
  • Intended to be used only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Estoppel Certificate for Condominium Sale

If you are selling a condominium unit in Alberta, you must provide the purchaser with an Estoppel Certificate.

  • The Certificate certifies that:
    • the seller is not behind in condo fees or other payments owing to the condominium corporation, except for any amounts which are stated in the Certificate,
    • insurance is in place on the condo building,
    • the by-laws of the condominium corporation are registered,
    • the common property has not been mortgaged or transferred,
    • any other relevant information required by the purchaser and the mortgage lender prior to closing.
  • Condominium corporations in Alberta can download this ready-made Estoppel Certificate form and use it each time they receive a request from a selling owner.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Intended to be used only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Notice of Address for Service of Condo Corporation

Download this free Form 7 Address for Service, pursuant to Section 73(2) of the Alberta Condominium Property Act.

  • Condominium corporations in Alberta are required to file a Notice setting out the address at which documents may be served on the corporation.
  • A new Notice must be filed each time the address for service changes.
  • This is a free downloadable form in MS Word format.

Alberta Notice of Change of Condo By-laws

The Alberta Condominium Property Act requires a condo corporation to file this Form 3 Notice of Change of By-laws whenever the by-laws are added to, changed or repealed.

  • The Notice is a statutory form under Section 32 of the Act.
  • This is a free downloadable form in MS Word format.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Notice of Proposed Sanction against Condo Owner

Give notice to a condominium owner that the board proposes to levy a sanction for a breach of the Bylaws with this Notice of Proposed Sanction.

  • The Notice is required under s. 73.7(1) of the Condominium Property Act (Alberta) and contains all the prescribed information, including:
    • the portion of the Bylaw that was violated,
    • the date(s) on which the violation occurred (if applicable or if known),
    • the remedial action that the unit owner can take to cure the violation (if any),
    • the date by which the remedial action must be taken or by which the owner must respond to the notice.
  • The form is available in MS Word format.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Overland Drainage Easement and Restrictive Covenant

Give a third party overland access to construct a water drainage facility with this Easement and Restrictive Covenant for bare land condominium projects in Alberta.

  • The Easement is only for bare land projects, meaning that no buildings have been erected yet.
  • The third party is granted access to the land for the purpose of construction of a water drainage facility.
  • The Restrictive Covenant prohibits the placement of any structure, tree planting, or any other actions which would interfere with the efficient operation of, or access to, the drainage system.
  • Any person involved with the construction of the facility must perform in a good and workmanlike manner and cause as little damage or inconvenience to the unit owners as possible.
  • Each unit owner is responsible for maintaining and repairing that portion of the facility that is constructed or installed on their unit.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

BC Acknowledgement of Receipt of Strata Documentation

This Acknowledgement of Receipt of Strata Documentation for British Columbia strata sales should be completed and signed by the buyer(s) of the strata lot.

  • The buyer acknowledges receipt of the strata documents, including:
    • strata minutes,
    • information certificate,
    • current bylaws,
    • financial statements,
    • registered strata plan,
    • property disclosure statement,
    • building warranty information,
    • final inspection certificate.
  • This form is a free MS Word download.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

BC Form C Mortgagee's Request for Notification

A mortgagee of a strata property in British Columbia can request notices from the strata corporation with this Form C, Mortgagee's Request for Notification under Section 60 of the Strata Property Act.

  • A mortgagee is entitled to receive notices of annual and special general meetings, and of money owing with respect to the strata lot.
  • The request will expire on the earliest of (i) 5 years from the date of the request or (ii) the date the mortgagee ceases to be a mortgagee of the strata lot.
  • The form is available in MS Word format.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

BC Form I Amendment to Strata Bylaws

This Form I is required by the Strata Property Act (British Columbia) to file an amendment to the strata corporation's bylaws under Section 128 of the Act.

  • The certificate must be signed by either one or two strata council members, as required, or by the strata manager.
  • A copy of the amendments must be attached to the certificate, for filing with the Land Title Office.
  • This is a prescribed form under Section 128.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

BC Strata Property Act Form F Certificate of Payment

Use this free form to prepare a Certificate of Payment in accordance with Section 115 of the Strata Property Act of British Columbia.

  • The form would be prepared by the strata corporation for a strata lot owner, usually in connection with a sale, mortgage or  disposition of the strata lot.
  • The certificate certifies that the owner does not owe money to the strata corporation, or if money is owed it has being held in court or in trust, or there is an arrangement in place to ensure the money will be paid.
  • This is a prescribed form under Section 115 of the Act.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

BC Strata Property Act Form H Acknowledgement of Payment

Acknowledge payment under a lien on a strata lot with this free British Columbia Acknowledgement of Payment (Form H).

  • The acknowledgement is made under Section 116 (6) of the Strata Property Act.
  • This form must be signed by authorized council members to certify that the Strata Corporation has been paid money owing under a registered lien against a strata lot and that the lien is being released.
  • This free form is available in MS Word format.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

BC Strata Property Act Notice of Tenant's Responsibilities

Issue a notice to a tenant of a BC strata lot with this free Form K Notice of Tenant's Responsibilities.

  • The Notice is a prescribed form under Section 146 of the Strata Property Act of British Columbia.
  • The form notifies the tenant that they are required to comply with the bylaws and rules of the strata corporation. A copy of the bylaws and rules must be attached to the form, to be served on the tenant.
  • The tenant is also notified they can be fined or subject to other penalties for failure to comply.
  • This is a free form in MS Word format.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

British Columbia Certificate of Lien

Register a lien claim for unpaid strata fees with this free Form G Certificate of Lien for British Columbia strata corporations.

  • The lien is claimed pursuant to Section 116 of the BC Strata Property Act.
  • By filing this form, the strata corporation certifies that a specific strata lot owner has not paid what is owed to the strata corporation, and the corporation is now claiming a lien on the strata lot.
  • Available as a free MS Word download.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

British Columbia Form E Certificates of Strata Corporation

File certified copies of resolutions of a BC strata corporation with this package of Form E Certificates of Strata Corporation.

  • This file contains all five Form E Certificates under Sections 78 - 80, 100, 214, 257, 259, 261 - 263, 266, 269, 274, 283 of the Act and Sections 17.20 to 17.22 of the Regulations.
  • Available as a downloadable Microsoft Word file. All forms are included in one file.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

British Columbia Proxy Appointment by Strata Lot Owner

Appoint a proxy to vote for you at strata council meetings with this free Form A, Proxy Appointment form.

  • The form complies with Section 56 of the British Columbia Strata Property Act.
  • The document allows an owner of a strata lot or unit to appoint a proxy to vote in his or her stead.
  • It can be used as a general proxy appointment (to start and end on specific dates), or for specific meetings or resolutions of the council.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

British Columbia Standard Strata Bylaws

Prepare a set of Standard Bylaws for a British Columbia strata corporation with this ready-made template, in accordance with the BC Strata Property Act.

  • The by-laws set out:
    • the duties and responsibilities of the owners,
    • how the strata corporation is to be operated,
    • how the strata council is to be formed,
    • how meetings of the strata owners will be conducted,
    • other provisions governing the management and affairs of the strata corporation and the project.
  • Available in MS Word format. The document can be easily customized with the relevant information for your strata corporation.
  • Intended to be used only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

British Columbia Strata Alteration Agreement

Before you start those renos on your strata unit, make sure your strata council approves. Approach them with this Alteration and Indemnification Agreement to get their okay.

  • The strata owner agrees to indemnify the strata corporation and assumes full responsibility if there is any damage to the common elements of the strata because of the renovations.
  • The renovations must comply with the approved specifications.
  • The owner agrees to pay any increase in the strata's insurance coverage resulting from the renovations.
  • The Agreement complies with the Strata Property Act.
  • Failure to get approval of your renovations first could be costly.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Intended to be used only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

British Columbia Strata Lot Form B Information Certificate

Prepare an Information Certificate (also called an estoppel certificate) for a B.C. strata lot with this free Form B under Section 59 of the Strata Property Act.

  • The form must be completed by the Strata Corporation to certify the status of the current owner with respect to such things as monthly strata fees or other charges which have not been paid by the lot owner, and whether there are any parking stalls or storage lockers allocated to the strata lot.
  • The certificate also discloses financial information regarding the project, for the benefit of a purchaser or mortgagee.
  • Form B Information Certificate will be required for the sale of a strata unit or if the owner is placing new mortgage financing.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

British Columbia Strata Lot Rental Disclosure Statement

Prepare a Rental Disclosure Statement for a BC strata lot with this free Form J.

  • The form is required under Section 139 of the British Columbia Strata Property Act.
  • The Disclosure Statement must be completed by the owner-developer of the property.
  • The developer discloses which strata lots in the project have been or will be rented, and the date(s) on which the rental periods will terminate.
  • Form J, available in MS Word format.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

British Columbia Strata Property Act Arbitration Notices

Use these forms to refer a dispute regarding strata lots to arbitration under Section 179 of the Strata Property Act of British Columbia.

  •  This downloadable package contains:
    • Form L Notice Beginning Arbitration.
    • Form M Notice of Reply.
    • Form N Notice Responding to Reply.
  • These free Arbitration Notice forms are available in MS Word format and are easy to fill in and print.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

British Columbia Strata Unit Tenancy Agreement (Vancouver)

Rent out a strata unit in Vancouver, British Columbia with this downloadable Tenancy Agreement template.

The Tenancy Agreement contains standard provisions such as:
  • which parking and storage areas are included in the rental,
  • restrictions on vehicle maintenance on the property,
  • procedure for giving notice to the landlord and the strata association,
  • pets,
  • tenant's responsibility for maintaining building security,
  • tenant's responsibility for obtaining contents insurance,
  • tenant's liability for damage to the strata unit or common areas,
  • restrictions on waterbeds.

The Tenancy Agreement is specifically worded for Vancouver, but can be easily customized for other cities and locations in B.C. Get your copy now.


Bylaws for Strata Rental Pool | Canada

Prepare a set of Bylaws for a Strata Corporation as part of a rental investment pool with this easy-to-use template for Canadian stratas.

  • The strata corporation is being set up to sell strata lots to investors as part of a rental investment pool.
  • The lot owners will form a separate commercial section within the strata corporation, to be comprised of all the lots that will be strictly revenue properties.
  • This template is available in MS Word format and is fully editable to fit your circumstances.
  • Intended for use only in Canada.

California Condominium Lease Agreement

Condo owners in California can rent their unit to a tenant with this downloadable Condominium Lease Agreement.

  • The lease contains clauses prohibiting smoking and restricting the type and number of pets allowed in the unit.
  • The tenant must not make any alterations to the condominium without the written consent of the landlord.
  • The tenant agrees to pay all annual assessments and special assessments levied by the condominium association.
  • The landlord is not liable for injury or damage caused by rain, snow, or water.
  • The tenant indemnifies the landlord against damage or injury caused by the tenant's action or inaction, or by that of the tenant's family or guests.
  • If the condominium unit is abandoned by the tenant, the landlord may take possession of any of the tenant's property which has been left behind, and store or dispose such property as the landlord sees fit.
  • The lease is governed by California law.

Keep your HOA happy by making sure your tenant signs this Condominium Lease Agreement. To download, put it in your cart and click the Checkout button.


Colorado Condominium Purchase Agreement

This Condominium Unit Purchase Agreement allows Colorado real estate developers to pre-sell units in a residential condo project to buyers while the project is still under construction.

  • The developer agrees that the unit will be completed by the closing date, barring any unforeseen delays for which the developer is not responsible (such as strikes, shortages of materials, etc.).
  • The developer's closing agent will hold the earnest money deposit until closing or until the agreement is terminated, whichever occurs first.
  • The developer will provide the buyer with title insurance on the unit.
  • The developer will pay all taxes, charges and assessments levied by the condominium association up until the date of closing. From that date onward, the buyer is responsible for all such costs.
  • The developer provides a 1-year limited warranty on the labor and materials used in construction of the unit.
  • The agreement also contains clauses regarding radon gas levels and expansive ⁄ low-density soil analysis.
  • The agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Colorado.

Buy and download the Condominium Unit Purchase Agreement and start selling those condo units right away.


Commonhold Unit Information Certificate | UK

UK commonhold associations must send this Commonhold Unit Information Certificate to any unit-holder upon request.

  • The form must be sent in accordance with The United Kingdom Commonhold Regulations 2004.
  • The Information Certificate sets out any amounts owed by the unit holder to the commonhold association as of the date specified in the Certificate.
  • The form can be used in England and Wales.
  • Form 9, available in PDF format.

Complaint Notice Against Commonhold Association | UK

Issue a Complaint Notice against the commonhold association with this free downloadable form for UK tenants and commonhold owners.

  • The Notice should only be served if you have already attempted to resolve the complaint but were unsuccessful.
  • This notice is made in accordance with The Commonhold Regulations 2004 of the United Kingdom, and must served on the commonhold association as set forth in the Regulations.
  • The form can only be used for properties in England and Wales.
  • Form 17, available in PDF format.

Complaint Notice Against Commonhold Unit Holder or Tenant | UK

UK tenants and unit owners can issue a Complaint Notice against another commonhold unit holder or occupant in the building with this free form.

  • The Notice should only be served for a complaint which you have already tried to resolve, without success.
  • This notice must be served in accordance with The Commonhold Regulations 2004 for the United Kingdom.
  • The form is for commonhold properties in England and Wales only.
  • Form 23, available in PDF format.

Condominium Association AGM Package | Canada

Canadian condominium managers can prepare for the annual general meeting of the unit owners with this easy-to-use package of forms.

  • This package of forms contains the following items:
    • Notice of Meeting, which must be sent by the condominium managers to each of the unit owners, in accordance with the applicable provincial laws,
    • Meeting Agenda form, setting out the business which will come before the meeting,
    • Proxy form, which allows a unit owner to appoint a proxy to vote for him/her if he/she is unable to attend the annual meeting.
  • The condominium corporation and property management company will find this forms package very handy. Buy and download the forms, and you can use them each year.
  • Intended for use only in Canada.

Condominium Rental Management Agreement

Hire a rental agent to manage a rental pool of condo units under this Condominium Rental Management Agreement template.

  • The Agreement is between a group of condo owners and a property manager.
  • The owners who are renting their units establish a rental pool and a repair and maintenance pool to allow the owners to share the expenses equally among the units being rented.
  • The rental agent's responsibilities include collecting rent, executing and terminating leases or tenancy agreements, ensuring that tenants fulfill their obligations, and advertising and marketing units as they become vacant.
  • Each owner is responsible for their own mortgage payments, taxes, rental expenses, and other costs associated with their unit.
  • You can download the Condominium Rental Management Agreement immediately after purchasing it.

Condominium Rules and Regulations

Write up a set of Condominium Rules and Regulations for your condominium project with this fully editable template.

  • The template covers:
    • the building and the neighborhood,
    • the Board of Directors of the condominium,
    • how the condominium property is managed,
    • responsibilities of the residents with respect to security, common areas, consideration for other owners, etc.
    • use of the parking garage and guest parking areas,
    • windows, doors, balconies,
    • emergency procedures,
    • other topics that are important to both condo owners and tenants in the building.
  • Available in MS Word format and fully editable to fit your exact needs.
  • This is a generic document that can be used anywhere that does not have a form mandated by law.

Default Notice re Commonhold Association Rules | UK

Issue a Default Notice to a unit holder or tenant for being in default of the Commonhold Association rules with this free form for UK commonhold properties.

  • The Notice must be served on the defaulting party in accordance with The Commonhold Regulations 2004 for the United Kingdom.
  • The form can be used in England or Wales.
  • Form 19, available in PDF format.

Demand Letter for Unpaid Condo Fees or Assessments

Make demand on a condominium unit owner for unpaid fees or charges with this Demand Letter for Unpaid Condo Fees or Assessments.

  • The demand is made on behalf of the condominium corporation or HOA for unpaid fees or assessments on the unit, including late charges and interest.
  • The unit owner is advised that if payment is not made within a certain time frame, the matter will be referred to legal counsel.
  • This is a generic form which is not specific to any country or region.
  • The form is available as a MS Word download and is easy to customize.

Disclosure Statement for Strata Plan | Canada

Prepare a Disclosure Statement for investors in a strata plan development with this downloadable form for Canadian projects.

  • The Disclosure Statement must be provided by the project developer or issuer to any party interested in investing in the strata plan investment pool.
  • The Statement discloses information about:
    • the nature of the investment,
    • the development,
    • the developer's corporate structure and history,
    • the common property, parking and recreational facilities,
    • how voting will be conducted at strata corporation meetings,
    • zoning and development approval,
    • any other salient items regarding the project, to meet requirements under applicable securities legislation.
  • This is a downloadable and fully editable MS Word template.
  • Intended for use only in Canada.

Florida Condominium Lease Agreement

Rent a Florida condo unit to a tenant with this Florida Condominium Lease Agreement.

  • The lease contains clauses prohibiting smoking and pets in the condo unit. The lease can be easily edited to remove these clauses if not applicable.
  • The tenant must not make any alterations to the condominium without the written consent of the landlord.
  • The lease contains a radon gas disclosure in compliance with State law.
  • The tenant is responsible for obtaining his ⁄ her own insurance to cover personal property.
  • If the condominium is abandoned by the tenant, the landlord may retake possession of the unit and has the right to dispose of any of the tenant's property which has been left behind.

Protect your investment property and comply with your HOA rules by having your tenant execute this Florida Condominium Lease. To download the digital form, add it to your cart and pay for it through our secure checkout process.


Georgia Condominium Lease Agreement

Rent a condominium in Georgia to a tenant with this Georgia Condominium Lease Agreement.

  • Restrictions. The lease contains clauses prohibiting smoking and restricting the keeping of pets in the unit. The lease can be easily edited to change or remove these clauses if not applicable.
  • Assessments. The tenant is responsible for paying annual assessments and special assessments to the condo association.
  • Compliance. The tenant must comply with the bylaws, rules and regulations of the condominium association.
  • Alterations. The landlord is not required to make any repairs or alterations except to repair any default or fault which would make the unit unsafe or untenantable.
  • Termination. Either party may terminate the lease upon no less than 40 days written notice.
This Georgia Condominium Lease Agreement is provided in MS Word format, and is fully editable to fit your particular circumstances.

Illinois Condominium Purchase and Sale Agreement

Buy or sell an Illinois condominium unit with this easy-to-use Illinois Condominium Purchase and Sale Agreement.

  • Title to the condominium will be transferred subject to any covenants and conditions of the Declaration, easements, party wall rights, limitations imposed by the Condominium Property Act, taxes, special assessments, mortgage or trust deed (if applicable), and installments due after the closing date.
  • The file contains a Lead-Based Paint Disclosure, as required by law, and an exemption statement with respect to withholding requirements under Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Fully editable so you can customize it to fit your circumstances.

Add the Illinois Condominium Purchase and Sale Agreement to your cart, then click the Checkout button to pay for it over our secure payment server. You can download the digital file immediately after your payment goes through.


Illinois Condominium Rider to Real Estate Contract

Are you buying a condominium unit in Illinois? Attach this Condominium Contingency Rider to the Sales Contract.

  • The Rider ensures that your obligation to purchase the property is subject to receipt, review and acceptance of the condominium documents.
  • The Rider is made in accordance with Sec. 22.1 of the Illinois Condominium Property Act.
  • The form is downloadable and easy to fill in and print.

Get your copy of the Condominium Contingency Rider immediately after you check out. Put the form in your cart and pay for it by clicking the Checkout button.


Louisiana Condominium Addendum

This Condominium Addendum form should be attached to any Residential Agreement to Buy or Sell for the sale of a condo unit in Louisiana.

  • The buyer purchases the unit subject to the Declaration, By-laws, Articles of Incorporation, and Rules and Regulations of the Condominium Owner's Association.
  • The form sets out what the association fees are, and whether there are any outstanding assessments to be paid.
  • Both parties must sign the form.
  • This is a free PDF form available from the Louisiana Real Estate Commission.

Maine Condominium Addendum

If you are buying or selling a condo in the State of Maine, attach this Condominium Addendum to the Real Estate Purchase Agreement.

  • The seller must provide the purchaser with the condominium documents within a specified number of days.
  • If the purchaser is not satisfied with the documents, he/she may terminate the sale transaction.
  • The seller must disclose any condominium association fees or other amounts that are owing with respect to the condo.
Get the Maine Condominium Addendum by adding it to your cart and going through the secure checkout. You can then immediately download and use the form.

Minnesota Condominium Lease Agreement

Do you own a condo unit as a revenue property? Rent the unit to a tenant under this Minnesota Condominium Lease Agreement.

  • The tenant must pay a security deposit, which will be returned within 21 days of the end of the lease, less any amounts being deducted for damage or unpaid amounts owing by the tenant.
  • The landlord has the right to increase the rent upon 30 days written notice, to cover any increase in utilities, insurance, taxes, condo association fees, or operating expenses.
  • Interest will be charged on unpaid amounts.
  • The tenant agrees to pay any annual and/or special assessments.
  • Optional clauses restricting pets and smoking, which can be amended or deleted if not applicable.
  • Contains a Lead Paint Disclosure as required by law.

A good Condominium Lease protects your property and your rights as a landlord. To get yours, put it in your shopping cart and pay for it by credit card, Paypal or Visa Debit. Download the form, personalize it for your tenant, use it as often as you like.


New York Notice of Lien on Condominium Unit

Give notice to a unit owner that a lien is being claimed against the unit for unpaid common charges with this Notice of Lien form for New York State.

  • The notice is given in accordance with the New York Condominium Act.
  • By filing this form with the county clerk, the home owners' association claims a lien against the unit for the total of all amounts which the owner of the unit has failed to pay, together with interest.
  • The form is easy to use - just fill in the information, print and sign.

Unpaid common charges affect all of the condo owners. Start the lien process by giving notice to the defaulting owner. Buy and download the Notice of Lien form for your HOA.


North Carolina Condominium Lease Agreement

This Condominium Lease Agreement template is a standard form lease for condo owners in North Carolina who want to rent their units to tenants.

  • The lease contains optional clauses prohibiting smoking and pets in the unit which can be easily removed or edited if not applicable.
  • The tenant will not be obligated to pay additional rent for any improvements done to the property.
  • The landlord will insure the condominium, but the tenant is responsible for obtaining his ⁄ her own insurance to cover personal property.
  • If the condominium is damaged by fire to the point of being untenantable, the rent will abate until the unit has been repaired and can be lived in again.
  • If the unit is abandoned by the tenant, the landlord may enter the premises and can dispose of any personal property left behind.
  • The lease is made in accordance with North Carolina rental laws and with the condominium rules and bylaws.

Never lease a condominium unit to a tenant without having a comprehensive Lease Agreement in place. To obtain the digital download, add it to your cart and pay for it by clicking the Checkout button.


Notice and Agenda for AGM of Condo Association | USA

Prepare a Notice of Annual General Meeting and agenda for the annual meeting of a condominium association with this free template for the USA.

  • The Notice of Meeting must be sent by the Board of Managers to each of the unit owners prior to the meeting, in accordance with the Bylaws.
  • The file includes a form of agenda for the meeting setting out the business to be dealt with at the meeting.
  • This free USA Notice and Agenda for Annual General Meeting of Condo Association is available in MS Word format and is easy to download and use.

Notice of Assignment of Tenancy in Commonhold Unit | UK

Are you a commonhold tenant? Before you can assign your tenancy to a new tenant, you must complete this Notice of Assignment of a Tenancy in a Commonhold Unit.

  • This notice is compliant with The Commonhold Regulations 2004 of the United Kingdom.
  • The notice must be given to the commonhold association within 14 days of the date on which the tenancy is assigned.
  • This form is only for properties located in England or Wales.
  • Form 16, available in PDF format.

Notice of Grant of Commonhold Tenancy | UK

Before you can let your commonhold unit to a tenant you must give this Notice of Grant of Tenancy in a Commonhold Unit to the commonhold association within 14 days of granting the tenancy.

  • This notice is mandatory and is compliant with Section 4.7.15 of The Commonhold Regulations 2004.
  • The unit owner must notify the association that the unit has been let and provide information about the tenant.
  • The form is only for use in England and Wales.
  • Form 14, available in PDF format.

Notice of Proposed Commonhold Assessment | UK

Give notice to the unit holders of a proposed assessment to be paid by all unit holders with this free form for UK commonhold associations.

  • The Notice is made in accordance with the United Kingdom Commonhold Regulations 2004.
  • Unit holders are provided with one month to make any written representations to the association about the proposed assessment.
  • This form is for use in England and Wales only.
  • Form 1, available in PDF format.

Notice of Proposed Commonhold Reserve Fund Levy | UK

Give notice to the unit holders about a proposed reserve fund levy with this free form for UK commonhold associations.

  • The Notice must be given in accordance with The United Kingdom Commonhold Regulations 2004.
  • The unit-holder is provided with a month's time to make representations in response to this notice.
  • This form is for use in England and Wales only.
  • Form 4, available in PDF format.

Notice of Transfer of a Commonhold Unit | UK

When you purchase a UK commonhold unit you must provide the association with this Notice of Transfer of Commonhold Unit within 14 days.

  • In order to be registered as a member of the commonhold association, you must complete the form and deliver it to the commonhold association within 14 days of the date on which you became entitled to be registered as owner.
  • This is a mandatory notice in compliance with The United Kingdom Commonhold Regulations 2004.
  • Form 10, available in PDF format.


Notice of Transfer of Part of a Commonhold Unit | UK

When you purchase part of a UK commonhold unit you must provide the association with this Notice of Transfer of Part of Commonhold Unit within 14 days.

  • In order to be registered as a member of the commonhold association, you must complete the form and send it to the commonhold association within 14 days of the date on which you became entitled to be registered as owner.
  • This is a mandatory notice in compliance with The Commonhold Regulations of the United Kingdom, 2004.
  • For use in England and Wales.
  • Form 11, available in PDF format.

Notice of Vesting of a Commonhold Unit by Operation of Law | UK

Have you become the owner of a commonhold unit in the UK by operation of law? If you wish to register as a member of the commonhold association you must provide the association with this Notice of Vesting.

  • The form must be completed and given to the commonhold association within 14 days of the date that you became aware of your entitlement to be registered as owner of the unit.
  • This is a mandatory notice in compliance with The United Kingdom Commonhold Regulations 2004.
  • Form 12, available in PDF format.

Notice Requesting Further Details About a Commonhold Tenancy | UK

Request details about a unit-holder's tenant with this free Notice Notice Requesting Further Details About a Tenancy for UK commonhold associations.

  • The unit-holder or tenant are required to provide the information requested in the Notice, in accordance with The United Kingdom Commonhold Regulations 2004.
  • The form is for use in England and Wales.
  • Form 8, available in PDF format.

Notice to a Prospective Assignee for Commonhold Unit | UK

If you are assigning your commonhold tenancy to a new tenant, you must provide them with this Notice to a Prospective Assignee for a Commonhold Unit.

  • This form is only for properties located in England or Wales.
  • The notice is compliant with The Commonhold Regulations 2004 for the United Kingdom.
  • The notice must be given to the new tenant with a copy of the commonhold community statement prior to assigning the tenancy over to the new tenant.
  • Form 15, available in PDF format.

Notice to Prospective Tenant for Commonhold Unit | UK

UK landlords, issue this Notice to a Prospective Tenant prior to granting them tenancy in a commonhold unit.

  • This Form 13 notice is compliant with The Commonhold Regulations 2004.
  • It must be issued along with a copy of the commonhold community statement.
  • The Notice form is only for commonhold properties in England and Wales.
  • Available in PDF format.

Notice to Tenant of Diversion of Rent (Commonhold) | UK

Direct a commonhold tenant to pay rent to the commonhold association with this UK Notice to Tenant of Diversion of Rent.

  • The Notice must be given in accordance with The United Kingdom Commonhold Regulations 2004.
  • The tenant occupying the commonhold unit is notified that the landlord owes money to the association, and is directed to pay the rent to the association instead of the landlord.
  • This form is for use in England and Wales only.
  • Form 6, available in PDF format.

Nova Scotia Purchase and Sale Agreement for Condo Resale

Buy or sell an existing condominium property in the Province of Nova Scotia with this Agreement of Purchase and Sale of Condominium - Resale.

  • The vendor (seller) must furnish a copy of the Vendor's Deed and the condominium documents, after which the purchaser has a specified number of days to investigate the title.
  • If HST is applicable, it is in addition to (not included in) the purchase price. If HST is not applicable, the vendor must provide a certificate in that regard.
  • The vendor must provide the purchaser with an estoppel certificate with respect to any condo fees or common expenses owing on the unit.
  • Any debit or credit balance in the reserve or contingency fund will be adjusted as of the closing date.
  • This contract template is provided in MS Word format and is easy to download and use.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Nova Scotia, Canada.

Oklahoma Condominium Lease Agreement

Rent a condominium unit to a tenant with this comprehensive Oklahoma Condominium Lease Agreement.

  • Security Deposit. The tenant must pay a security deposit, which will be returned at the end of the lease, within 30 days after the landlord receives the tenant's written request, less any amounts being deducted for damage or unpaid amounts owing by the tenant.
  • Restrictions. Optional clauses restricting pets and smoking, which can be amended or deleted if not applicable.
  • Extension of Lease. The lease does not allow any holding over by the tenant (i.e. remaining in the condominium unit after the end of the lease). If the tenant wishes to extend the lease, the parties must execute a new lease agreement prior to the expiration of the current lease term.
  • Termination. Either party may terminate the lease in accordance with the provisions of Okla. Stat. 41 S 111.
  • Renovations. The landlord agrees not to perform any substantial remodeling or renovations during the term of the lease.
  • Legal Remedies. The lease sets out the legal remedies available to each party if the other party breaches the lease.
This Oklahoma Condominium Lease Agreement is a downloadable template in MS Word format, and is fully editable to fit your particular circumstances.

Ontario Certificate re Condominium Bylaw

This free Form 11 Certificate is made by a condo corporation under the Ontario Condominium Act 1998.

  • The form must be completed and filed with an attached copy of the condominium corporation's bylaw.
  • An officer of the corporation certifies that the bylaw complies with the Condominium Act and has been accepted by a majority of the unit owners.

Download the free Certificate form for your condominium and submit it with your bylaw.


Ontario Condominium Alteration Agreement

Get the approval of your condo corporation before doing renovations to your unit with this Ontario Condominium Alteration and Indemnification Agreement.

  • The condominium corporation must approve any renovations that might affect the common elements of the building.
  • In order to get the corporation to approve the renovations, the unit owner indemnifies the corporation and assumes all liability for any damages resulting from the renovations.
  • The renovations must be done in accordance with the approved specifications.
  • The owner warrants that the renovations will be in compliance with the requirements of the insurance policies covering the property.
  • The unit owner agrees to pay any increased insurance premiums resulting from the renovations.
  • The agreement complies with the provisions of the Ontario Condominium Act.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Ontario, Canada.

Ontario Condominium Resale Agreement

Sell a previously owned condo unit in Ontario with this Agreement of Purchase and Sale of Condominium - Resale.

  • This Purchase and Sale Agreement is intended for transactions where neither party is using a realtor, which is called a 'for sale by owner' (or FSBO) transaction.
  • It should be used only for an existing condo unit, not for a new condominium, where the units would be sold by the developer.
  • This is not the OREA standard form of contract. OREA contracts must be obtained from a member of the Ontario Real Estate Association.
This Ontario Agreement of Purchase and Sale of Condominium - Resale is provided in MS Word format, and is fully editable.

Ontario Notice of Lien to Condominium Owner

Give notice to a condominium owner that a lien is claimed against their unit for unpaid charges with this Form 14, Notice of Lien to Owner, under the Ontario Condominium Act 1998.

  • The Notice must be served on the unit owner in accordance with subsection 85(4) of the Act.
  • The condo corporation claims a lien for all unpaid common expenses, plus the costs of collection.
  • The lien may be enforced against the owner in the same manner as a mortgage.
  • This is a reusable legal form - buy, download, fill in, use the template as often as you require.
The Ontario Notice of Lien to Owner under Condominium Act form is downloadable and easy to use.

Party Wall Agreement | Canada

Does your property share a common wall with a neighbour? Clarify the rights and obligations of each property owner with this Party Wall Agreement for Canada.

  • A Party Wall Agreement is often required between owners of adjoining properties which share a common wall (a party wall), such as semi-detached townhouses, adjoining condominium units or the two halves of a duplex.
  • The agreement sets out the rights and obligations of the owners with respect to the common party wall.
  • The contract includes clauses for encroachment by either party on the other party's property, and maintenance, repair or rebuilding of shared walls and fences.
  • The Agreement can be used in any Canadian province or territory. For use in Canada only.
  • This Party Wall Agreement helps you stay on good terms with your neighbour and avoids misunderstandings.

Power of Attorney for Strata Lot Purchase | Canada

Prepare a Limited Power of Attorney for a strata lot purchaser with this downloadable template for Canadian rental investment pools.

  • The purchaser appoints the developer as his or her attorney for the sole purpose of purchasing one or more strata lots which will become part of the rental investment pool and generate revenues for the pool of owners.
  • The Power of Attorney grants the developer limited authority to execute an offer to purchase and agreement for sale on behalf of the purchaser, and to deliver these documents to the vendor (seller).
  • This is a downloadable legal form which can be easily customized to fit your specific needs.
  • Intended for use only in Canada.

Property Management Agreement for Strata Rental Pool

Retain the services of a property manager to manage the common property of strata lots in a rental investment pool with this template Property Management Agreement.

  • The rental pool consists of a group of owners whose units will be rented out. The revenues from those rentals will be pooled to cover the owners' expenses.
  • The property management company will be paid a monthly fee for maintenance, management and administration of the common property for the rental pool owners.
  • The manager's duties include preparation of annual budgets, procuring contracts, arranging for repairs, collection of assessments from owners, commencing legal action for non-payment, paying contractors and suppliers, supervising contractors.
  • The manager is required to attend all regular meetings of the strata corporation and the strata council.
  • The corporation will provide the property manager with reasonable access to the common property at all times.
  • The corporation indemnifies the manager against claims and damages except for those arising from negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the management firm.
  • If you own strata units as investment property, you don't want to spend all your time managing them. Download the Property Management Agreement and hire a professional to do it.

Proxy Form for Condo Association AGM | USA

Use this digital template to prepare a Proxy Form for all unit owners who cannot attend your next homeowners' association annual meeting.

  • The form must be sent to the owners with the annual meeting package.
  • Unit owners who cannot attend the meeting can name a person to act as their proxy and vote at the meeting on their behalf.
  • You can easily customize the form for your HOA, and use the form over and over again.

Reply to Complaint Notice Against Commonhold Association | UK

Reply to a complaint notice against the commonhold association with this free form for UK commonhold properties.

  • Every commonhold association will from time to time need to respond to a complaint notice from a tenant or a unit holder.
  • The Reply must be given in accordance with The Commonhold Regulations 2004 for the United Kingdom.
  • This form can only be used in England and Wales.
  • Form 18, available in PDF format.

Reply to Complaint Notice Against Commonhold Unit-Holder or Tenant | UK

Reply to a Complaint Notice you have received from another unit holder or tenant with this free form for UK commonhold unit holders or tenants.

  • This notice is in accordance with The Commonhold Regulations 2004 for the United Kingdom.
  • The form can only be used in England and Wales.
  • Form 24, available in PDF format.

Reply to Default Notice re Commonhold Association Rules | UK

Reply to a Default Notice from your commonhold association with this free form for UK commonhold unit holders and tenants.

  • This form should be used if you have been served with notice for being in default of the commonhold association's rules.
  • The Reply must be given in accordance with The Commonhold Regulations 2004 for the United Kingdom.
  • The form can be used in England or Wales.
  • Form 20, available in PDF format.

Request for Action Against Commonhold Corporation | UK

Request action be taken with respect to your complaint against the commonhold corporation with this free form for UK commonhold unit holders and tenants.

  • The Request for Action can only be sent after you have served a Complaint Notice.
  • The commonhold association is requested to take action upon the complaint.
  • The Request must be issued in accordance with The Commonhold Regulations 2004 for the United Kingdom.
  • This form can only be used in England and Wales.
  • Form 21, available in PDF format.

Request for Payment of Commonhold Assessment | UK

Request payment of a commonhold assessment from the unit holders with this free form for UK commonhold associations.

  • The Notice must be given in accordance with The United Kingdom Commonhold Regulations 2004.
  • This form is for use in England and Wales only.
  • Form 2, available in PDF format.

Request for Payment of Commonhold Reserve Fund Levy | UK

Request payment of a reserve fund levy from the unit holders with this free form for UK commonhold associations.

  • The Notice must be given in accordance with The United Kingdom Commonhold Regulations 2004.
  • This form is for use in England and Wales only.
  • Form 5, available in PDF format.

Request for Payment of Emergency Assessment | UK

Request payment of a special assessment from the unit holders with this free form for UK commonhold associations.

  • The Notice must be given in accordance with The United Kingdom Commonhold Regulations 2004.
  • This form is for use in England and Wales only.
  • Form 3, available in PDF format.

Restrictive Covenant for Condo Parking Units | Canada

This Restrictive Covenant limits the sale or transfer of parking units in a Canadian condominium project.

  • This form of Restrictive Covenant would be used only by projects in which the parking stalls have separate titles and can be sold separately from the condominium units.
  • The Restrictive Covenant restricts the disposition of the parking units so that they can only be sold or transferred to other unit owners or to the condominium corporation.
  • This legal form is available as a fully editable MS Word template.
  • Intended for use only in Canada.
$12.49 $11.99

Texas Condominium Lease Agreement

Rent a Texas condominium unit to a tenant under the terms of this comprehensive Condominium Lease Agreement.

  • Prohibited Activities. The lease contains clauses prohibiting smoking and restricting the type and number of pets allowed in the unit.
  • Lien on Property. The landlord has a contractual lien against all of the tenant's personal property to secure payment of delinquent rent.
  • Assessments. The tenant agrees to pay all annual assessments and special assessments levied by the condominium association.
  • Indemnification. The tenant indemnifies the landlord against damage or injury caused by the tenant's action or inaction, or by that of the tenant's family or guests.
  • Abandonment. If the condominium is abandoned by the tenant, the landlord may take possession of any of the tenant's property which has been left behind, and may dispose of such property as the landlord sees fit.
  • Military Duty. The lease contains a clause allowing the tenant early termination if the tenant is a member of the military and is called to active duty or is reassigned.

This Texas Condominium Lease Agreement is available as a downloadable template in MS Word format, and is fully editable to fit your particular circumstances.


Texas Condominium Resale Certificate

Prepare a Condominium Resale Certificate for the sale of a Texas condo with this free form from the Texas Real Estate Commission.

  • This form, sometimes called an estoppel certificate, must be completed by the Condominium Owners Association.
  • It discloses whether the seller owes the Owners Association for any unpaid common expenses, special assessments, or other amounts.
  • The certificate also discloses financial information regarding the condominium project, for the benefit of the purchaser.
  • Download the free PDF form directly from the TREC website.
  • TREC Form No. 32-4.

Texas Homeowners Association Bylaws

Use this downloadable template to prepare a set of Bylaws for a Homeowners Association in the State of Texas.

  • The Bylaws govern how the HOA will be operated, including:
    • calling and holding meetings,
    • electing a Board of Directors for the Homeowners Association,
    • appointing the officers,
    • record keeping,
    • the responsibilities of the owners, and
    • all aspects of operating the business of the association.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Intended to be used only in the State of Texas.

Texas Residential Condominium Resale Contract

Sell a pre-owned condo unit with this free Texas Residential Condominium Resale Contract. Provisions include:

  • financing and earnest money,
  • title policy,
  • property condition,
  • closing procedures,
  • possession,
  • settlement,
  • escrow,
  • termination option,
  • broker information and fee ratification.

NOTE: This form cannot be used where the seller owns fee simple title to land beneath the unit.

Download the free Texas Residential Condominium Resale Contract and get your condo unit on the market. TREC Form No. 30-4, updated 01-06-03.


UK Reply to Request for Action (Commonhold)

Reply to a unit holder or tenant's Request for Action with this free form for UK commonhold associations.

  • The Reply is given in response to a complaint received from a tenant or unit holder.
  • It must be issued in accordance with The Commonhold Regulations 2004 for the United Kingdom.
  • The form is to be served on the complainant stating the outcome of action taken with respect to the complaint.
  • This Reply is only for properties in England and Wales.
  • Form 22, available in PDF format.

USA Condominium Alteration Agreement

If you're planning renovations to your condo unit that may affect the common elements of the condominium, approach the HOA with this Condominium Alteration Agreement to get their approval first.

  • As an inducement to get approval, the condo owner indemnifies the condo corporation/HOA and assumes full responsibility for any damages resulting from the renovations.
  • The renovations must be done in accordance with specifications approved by the HOA.
  • The owner warrants that the renovations will be in compliance with the requirements of the insurance policies covering the property, and the owner agrees to pay the cost of any increase in the insurance coverage.
  • The Agreement template can be used throughout the United States.
This USA Condominium Alteration Agreement is a downloadable and fully customizable MS Word file.

Utah Condominium Bylaws and Rules

Prepare operational bylaws for a condominium project in Utah with this Condominium Bylaws template, which includes a set of Rules and Regulations.

  • The Bylaws are enacted by the condo association to govern various aspects of the management of the condominium project, including:
    • meetings of the unit owners,
    • the powers and responsibilities of the management committee,
    • appointment of officers,
    • accounting procedures,
    • adoption of condominium rules and regulations,
    • process for amending the bylaws,
    • leasing of units and eviction of tenants for non-compliance,
    • restrictions on pets,
    • a schedule of fines for violations of the rules or the condominium documents.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Prepared in accordance with the Condominium Ownership Act and intended to be used only in the State of Utah.

Wisconsin Condominium Deed

Transfer a condominium property from a seller to a buyer with this Wisconsin Condominium Deed form.

  • The seller represents that it has the legal right to convey the title.
  • The seller warrants that the title is free of encumbrances except under the various condominium documents.
  • The buyer ⁄ grantee agrees to be bound by the condominium documents.

If you're selling a condo unit in Wisconsin, you'll need to file this Condominium Deed. You can download the form immediately after paying for it. Then fill in the details, print it and sign it.


Wraparound Mortgage for Condominium | Canada

Place a wraparound mortgage on a condominium project under this template Canadian mortgage form.

  • The wraparound mortgage covers the entire condo project.
  • The loan includes the remaining balance of an existing first mortgage plus an additional amount requested by the mortgagor (borrower).
  • Full payments on both mortgages are made to the wrap around mortgagee (lender), who then forwards the payments for the first mortgage to the first mortgagee.
  • Interest is calculated and compounded monthly.
  • Property taxes are to be paid by the mortgagor in 12 equal monthly instalments.
  • The mortgagee may pay the taxes as they come due and charge interest at the mortgage rate on any debit balance in the tax account.
  • To access this legal form, add it to your cart and click the Checkout button to pay for the form. You can then download it.
  • Intended for use only in Canada.