Directors Resolution to Authorize Signing Lease | USA

The directors of a US corporation can authorize the execution of a lease with this ready-made Directors' Resolution template.

  • All material contracts, such as leases, must be approved and authorized by the Board of Directors before the corporation can enter into the contract and assume the obligations under the agreement.
  • This standard form corporate resolution can be used by for-profit companies incorporated anywhere in the United States.
  • Fill in the details of the lease, print the form and have it signed by all of the directors.
  • To get your copy of the Directors Resolution template, add it to your cart and check out. You'll be able to download it immediately.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 23-February-2021
SKU: 6077
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Pre-Incorporation Agreement

Draft up a Pre-Incorporation Agreement between the incorporators of a new company with this easy-to-use template, which sets out:

  • how shares of stock will be issued to each of the incorporators,
  • what the consideration for the stock will be,
  • each incorporator agrees not to sell or transfer any shares without first offering the shares to the corporation and to the other shareholders, who have right of first refusal,
  • the incorporators agree to employ one of the parties as manager of the business of the corporation.

This Pre-Incorporation Agreement template is provided as a fully customizable Microsoft Word document.


Actor Loan Out Agreement for SAG actors | USA

Hire an actor on a loan-out basis with this USA Actor Loan Out Agreement for SAG Members.

  • The performer will provide his/her services during principal photography, as well as pre-production (rehearsals, production meetings, etc.) and post-production services (reshoots, ADR, etc.).
  • The actor will be paid a weekly rate for the services rendered, and a portion of the net profits of the picture as deferred compensation.
  • The relationship between the actor and the producer is not that of employee and employer. The actor is an employee of his/her loan-out corporation, and not the producer. The corporation is responsible for withholding and/or paying all amounts required to be paid with respect to the actor's employment and compensation.
  • The actor will be provided with transportation, a vehicle, an expense allowance, living accommodation, and dressing room facilities.
  • The actor will get screen credit and credit in paid advertising for the motion picture.
  • The actor agrees not to do anything that is prohibited under any policy of insurance covering the actor that is obtained by the producer.
  • The file includes a Letter of Inducement from the performer, which makes representations about the performer's relationship to the loan-out corporation, and indemnifies the producer against any claims resulting from the performer's work on the picture.
  • You can customize the USA Actor Loan Out Agreement for SAG Members, and re-use it on future film projects. Download your copy now.

Mississippi Simple Last Will and Testament

Make a will leaving everything to your spouse with this simple Will Form for Mississippi residents.

  • This fully editable template allows you to appoint your spouse as executor and to leave all of your estate to your spouse.
  • If your spouse does not survive you, the estate would be shared out among your children or their surviving children.
  • The Will also has a clause to appoint a guardian for minor children.
  • Available as a MS Word document template.
  • Intended to be used only in the State of Mississippi.

If you're looking for a more comprehensive will form and estate plan, try the USA Legal Will Kit.


Directors Resolutions Forming Audit Committee | USA

Prepare a resolution of the board to form an audit committee with this easy to use template form for USA corporations.

The Board of Directors will pass resolutions to:

  • formally establish the audit committee and appoint the committee members,
  • mandate how committee meetings will be held,
  • set out how the committee will carry out its duties,
  • establish a procedure for committee reports to be made to the Board.

These Directors Resolutions can be used throughout the United States. The template is editable and reusable. Buy and download your copy now.


Loan-Out Addendum to Film Production Deal Memo

If you're hiring loan-outs for a film or TV production, this Addendum should be attached to their Deal Memo.

  • This addendum should be used for any crew member / contractor that is a corporation or a loan-out.
  • The contractor represents and warrants to the producers that s/he is either the sole owner or the major shareholder of the loan-out corporation's issued and outstanding shares.
  • You can edit and re-use the template for all departments, and over multiple productions.
  • Loan-outs require a bit more paperwork than other crew hires. Make sure yours is all in order - download the Loan-Out Addendum to Film Production Deal Memo form.