Energy and Environmental Forms

Downloadable legal documents for the energy sector, natural resources exploration and extraction, alternative energies and environmental compliance.

  • Petroleum and natural gas contracts and leases for Canada and the United States
  • Fuel supply agreements
  • Waste management agreements
  • Forms for recycling facilities
  • Environmental indemnities
  • Wind power leases
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Alberta Right of First Refusal Notice (Oil & Gas)

Prepare a Right of First Refusal Notice on an oil and gas asset exchange with this easy-to-use form for Alberta resources.

  • In accordance with CAPL Operating Procedure, the Notice must be sent to a party that has right of first refusal to acquire certain assets.
  • The party is requested to waive its right of first refusal to allow closing of an asset exchange transaction concerning the subject interests.
  • The Right of First Refusal Notice is intended for use in the Province of Alberta, Canada.
  • The form is downloadable and fully editable.

Alberta Road Crossing Pipeline Agreement

Grant another party the right to construct a road across a pipeline in Alberta with this Road Crossing Pipeline Agreement.

  • The oil company which owns the pipeline gives a second party (the grantee) the right to construct a roadway crossing the company's pipeline in certain designated areas of the pipeline right-of-way.
  • The grantee is responsible for locating and marking all pipelines that lie within the crossing area.
  • The road must be constructed so that it does not reduce the clearance between the pipeline and the existing ground level.
  • Before performing any sub-surface work, the grantee must locate the pipeline by hand digging and must not use any excavation equipment within a 1-metre distance.
  • The grantee will have the right to enter on the land to maintain, repair and remove the road.
  • This Alberta Road Crossing Pipeline Agreement template is a downloadable legal form in MS Word format. Other formats available on request.

Alberta Road Use Agreement

Give an oil company access to a road that runs across private land with this Road Use Agreement for the Province of Alberta.

  • Purpose of Agreement. The land owner grants an oil company (the licensee) a non-exclusive interruptible license to use the road in order to allow its drilling rigs, equipment and personnel to gain access to well sites.
  • Restrictions. The land owner has the right to impose bans and restrictions on the road usage.
  • Liability for Costs. The licensee agrees to pay the costs to repair any unreasonable damage to the road.
  • No Warranty. The land owner makes no warranty or representation as to the usability of the road.
  • Waiver of Claims. The licensee agrees not to make any claims for loss or damage resulting from the use of the road.
  • Prior Notice. The licensee will notify the land owner in writing in advance of the dates on which it intends to move rigs on the road.
  • Termination. When the licensee no longer requires use of the road, it agrees to remove all culverts, extensions, etc which it installed for its purposes.
  • Governing Laws. The agreement is governed by the laws of the Province of Alberta, Canada.
  • Available in MS Word format, fully editable and re-usable.

Alberta Salt Water Disposal Agreement

Arrange for the disposal of liquids from Alberta oil wells with this template Salt Water Disposal Agreement.

  • The owner of the interest in the lands allows the grantee to drill an input well and use the well for oil and gas exploration and to dispose of flowback fluids, in exchange for an annual rental.
  • The Agreement also includes the following forms:
    • Consent of Non-Owning Spouse,
    • Acknowledgement required under The Homesteads Act,
    • Affidavit of Execution.
  • Available in MS Word format, fully editable.
  • Intended to be used only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Seismic Option Agreement

Grant a seismic option over an oil and gas property in Alberta using this downloadable template option agreement.

  • The optionee will shoot a 3-D seismic shot across the option lands sufficient to allow the optionor to evaluate the hydrocarbon-bearing potential of the lands.
  • Trading rights for the seismic program would be earned 100% by the optionee.
  • In return for shooting the seismic program, the option will have the right to either terminate the agreement or elect to drill a well.
  • Provisions for drilling a substitute well if serious difficulties are encountered with the original well.
  • The optionee will earn an undivided 100% interest in the optionors interest in the earning well spacing unit, and a specified undivided percentage interest in the remainder of the lands.
  • The parties authorize the operator to make GST elections on their behalf.
  • An Overriding Royalty Agreement is included with the package.
  • This Seismic Option Agreement is governed by the laws of the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Specific Conveyance Agreement (Oil & Gas)

Transfer title to oil and gas assets in Alberta with this simple Specific Conveyance Agreement form.

  • The Conveyance form transfers the vendor's (seller's) interest in certain petroleum lands, leases, rights, units and facilities being sold and transferred to the purchaser under a Purchase and Sale Agreement.
  • The purchaser becomes liable for all obligations with respect to the interests on the closing date.
  • This legal contract template is available in MS Word format and is fully editable.
  • Intended for use in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

Alberta Surface Lease Agreement

Prepare a surface lease agreement for oil and gas assets on rural farm land with this downloadable template lease form for lands located in the Province of Alberta.

  • Parties. The agreement is between the landowner and the oil company which will extract the resources.
  • Use of Land. The lease allows the oil company to use the land for exploration, development and production of oil, gas, and related hydrocarbons.
  • Rent. The agreement breaks down the first year's rent and annual rent to show how compensation is allocated for market value (first year), loss of use, adverse effect, general disturbance (first year), and additional wells.
  • Maintenance of the Land. The oil company agrees to apply good soil conservation practices to strip, conserve and restore the topsoil, and will construct proper sludge pits and dispose of the sludge in accordance with the laws.
  • Surrender. The drilling company has the right to surrender and terminate all or a portion of the leased lands at any time, on proper notice, but will not receive a refund of any rent paid in advance.
  • Governing Laws. The agreement is intended for use in the Province of Alberta.
  • How to Get the Form. Add the Alberta Surface Lease Agreement to your shopping cart and check out. When your payment has gone through, you can download the digital template to your PC, laptop or tablet.

Alberta Trust Agreement for Gas Leases

Appoint a trustee to hold gas leases in trust for a beneficiary with this customizable template for the Province of Alberta.

  • The beneficiary is a party who has purchased the interest in the gas leases from the trustee.
  • The trustee will continue to hold title to the leases in trust on behalf of the beneficiary.
  • The beneficiary will be liable to the trustee for all costs and damages which the trustee may suffer or pay.
  • The beneficiary agrees to indemnify and hold the trustee harmless against any claims, actions, costs, losses or damages arising from the trustee acting as trustee under the Agreement.
  • This Trust Agreement for Gas Leases is a fully editable legal form that is intended for use in the Province of Alberta.

Alberta Working Interest Clarification Agreement

Draw up a Working Interest Clarification Agreement with this contract template for Alberta oil and gas properties.

  • Parties. The Agreement is between the title holders or successors in interest to title under existing leases.
  • Purpose of Agreement. The participants all wish to clarify their interests in writing, because of various amalgamations, assignments, and corporate name changes since the original agreements were signed.
  • Clarification. The Agreement sets out the current percentage working interests of the participants and provides for continued operation, maintenance and development of the petroleum leases.
  • Successors. Each of the successors in interest will assume the rights, duties and obligations of their predecessor under the original agreement.
  • Indemnification. Each of the parties indemnifies the others.
  • Jurisdiction. This legal document is intended for use in the Province of Alberta, Canada.
  • How to Get the Form. You can download the MS Word template immediately after purchasing it. The contract can be modified to fit your unique circumstances.

Assignment of Oil and Gas Leases | USA

Assign an interest in oil and gas leases in the United States with this easy downloadable Assignment form.

  • The assignment transfers all of the assignor's interest to the assignee.
  • The assignor does not warrant the title.
  • The assignment is subject to all lease burdens, conditions and overriding royalties.
  • This form is a downloadable Microsoft Word file which is easy to fill in and print.
  • Intended for use only for U.S. leases.