Musician Release Form for Film or TV

The Musician Release Form should be signed by each musician, composer, arranger or conductor involved in creating the musical score for a motion picture or television production.

  • The musician grants the producers the right to record the musician's work for the production.
  • The producers also have a continuing right in perpetuity to use and reproduce the recordings in any way that is connected with the production.
  • Digital forms can be re-used as often as required. Print them off as blank forms to be filled in by hand, or personalize each copy for the individual signing it.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • This Release can be used in many jurisdictions.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 13-May-2022
SKU: 4541
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Performer Release and Consent Form for Music Video

Get a signed Performer Release and Consent Form from every actor, musician and performer in a music video before shooting begins.

  • The performer releases the producers of the video from future claims for damages or costs.
  • The producers are granted the perpetual right to record and use recordings of the performer's image, likeness and voice in connection with the video.
  • The performer waives his/her right to bring suit against the producers with respect to the video at any time in the future.
  • Don't leave yourself open to lawsuits. The Performer Release and Consent Form (Music Video) will help stop spurious claims for additional compensation.

Location Permission and Release Form for Film or TV

Get permission from a property owner to use their site as a location in a film or TV production with this template Location Permission and Release form.

  • The property owner gives the production company permission to use the property as a film location and releases the producers from future claims for loss or damage.
  • The production company can use the location for filming for the period of time specified in the Release.
  • The property owner consents to letting the production company bring in the necessary equipment and personnel to complete the shooting.
  • Never ever film on private property without getting consent. That's why you need this Location Permission and Release Form for your movie or TV production.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Artist Broadcast Release for TV or Radio Show

Get a release from a performer for a TV, radio or online show with this downloadable Artist Broadcast Release form.

  • The artist grants the producers of the program the right to record and broadcast the artist's voice and/or musical performance, but ONLY for purposes of the broadcast.
  • The artist waives all right to royalties or other compensation for the performance.
  • The template includes a signature section by a parent or guardian, for performers who are minors.
  • Make sure you get a signed Release from each artist involved in the TV or radio program prior to the broadcast. You can re-use this digital template as often as you like.

Broadcast Recording Agreement for TV or Radio Program | Canada

Do you produce television or radio programs in Canada? Use this template to prepare a Broadcast Recording Agreement for musical artists who appear on those programs.

  • The artist allows the producer to record a performance solely for use in the broadcast and re-broadcast of the program.
  • The artist also grants the producer the right to use the artist's name and likeness to promote the program.
  • All recordings of the broadcast, in any format, are the property of the producer. The artist will be credited on all transcripts of the program containing the performance.
  • The agreement is non-exclusive and the artist has the right to record to record the material for any other party.
  • The artist retains an option to purchase the master recording of the performance.
  • This is a ready-made template that saves you time writing your performer contracts.
  • This contract was written to comply with Canadian laws.

Production Agreement for Commercials | USA

Do you produce commercials for television or streaming channels? Write up a Production Agreement for a client with this customizable template for U.S. productions.

  • The Agreement contains sections for:
    • the client's specifications for the commercial,
    • production schedule,
    • production requirements for casting, sets, locations, music, photography, etc.,
    • schedule of costs and
    • payment schedule.
  • Any copyrightable work and materials used in the commercial are deemed to be a work-for-hire and the property of the client.
  • All ads produced under the agreement will meet current SMPTE standards.
  • The production company agrees to comply with all applicable union rules and regulations and collective bargaining agreements.
  • The production company also agrees that all players employed under the contract will be engaged in accordance with the current SAG or AFTRA contract, whichever applies, and the production company will provide all necessary documentation in that regard.
  • You can customize this MS Word template for your production company, and personalize each contract for a specific client.
  • The contract is governed by U.S. laws.