Broadcast License Agreement for TV and Internet

Grant a license to cable and satellite networks to show a movie on television and online with this TV and Internet Broadcast License Agreement.

  • The motion picture distributor grants the licensee the right to distribute and broadcast its films via basic cable, pay TV, subscription TV, pay per view, satellite and internet transmission.
  • The licensee will have the authority to edit the motion pictures as required to comply with censorship requirements, to translate and dub the soundtrack, and to create derivative versions of the pictures.
  • As consideration for the rights granted, the licensee will pay a specified license fee for each film. The agreement contains an alternate provision under which the licensee can issue shares to the licensor as payment for the license fee.
  • The distributor will pay for all production costs to produce the motion pictures. The licensee will pay for all scanning, editing and duplication costs, as well as paying the license fees.
  • This Television and Internet Broadcast License Agreement is a valuable addition to any filmmaker's movie contracts set.
  • Available in MS Word format.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 12-March-2024
SKU: 8324
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Book Publishing Agreement (exclusive)

Get the exclusive rights to publish an author's latest work and an option to publish future titles under the terms of this Book Publishing Agreement.

  • The author grants the publisher an exclusive worldwide license to publish the literary work in print, electronic and any other media formats.
  • The publisher also has the right to prepare derivative works based on the work.
  • The publisher gets the exclusive right to copyright the work and to renew the copyright, in the publisher's name.
  • The author will deliver both a hard copy and electronic copy of the work. Once the work is prepared for reproduction, the author is responsible for creating the key word index and table of contents.
  • The author will review and approve successive proofs edited by the publisher, and is responsible for ensuring the completeness and accuracy of each proof.
  • The author agrees not to publish any other work or intellectual property based on the published work at any time while the work is in print, except as agreed to by the publisher.
  • Royalties are based on net sale proceeds of the work (gross sales less rebates, discounts, returns, taxes, freight, shipping and insurance).
  • The author grants the publisher an option to publish one or more future titles.
You can use this Book Publishing Agreement to publish print versions as well as downloadable versions of the work. The template is customizable and can be used over and over as your business demands.

Quitclaim Release of Interest in Literary Property

Transfer the ownership interest in a literary work from the writer to a film producer with this Quitclaim Release of Interest in Literary Property.

  • The writer releases and quitclaims his/her interest in the property, including copyright or trademark interest, to the producer.
  • Neither the producer or any person claiming through the producer will make any future claim with respect to the property.
  • This form of Release is typically associated with an option or literary acquisition agreement to acquire the rights for a future movie or television production.
  • The process of acquiring the rights to a literary property requires a good deal of paperwork. The Quitclaim Release of Interest form is part of that documentation.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Certificate of Authorship of Screenplay

You've commissioned an original screenplay from a writer. Now get the writer to sign this Certificate of Authorship. The screenwriter certifies that:

  • The screenplay was written as a work made for hire commissioned by the producer, and that the producer is deemed to be the author of the work.
  • The work is original and not in the public domain, has not been adapted and does not violate or infringe upon any other person's statutory or common law rights.
  • The producer owns all right and title to the screenplay, and has the right to make any changes to the material, and the writer waives all moral rights (”droit moral”).
  • The writer will not make any claims or demands against any assignee or successor in interest of the producer.
  • The writer will have no right to enjoin or restrain the distribution or exploitation of any motion picture or other material based on the screenplay.
  • The Certificate of Authorship of Screenplay form is an important part of the documentation you need to establish your rights to the material. Download it for your production forms library.

Co-Production Agreement for TV Series

Prepare a Co-Production Agreement between two producers of a television series with this concise contract template.

  • One of the producers will be responsible for obtaining production financing for the series, and the other will provide administrative production services.
  • As compensation, the administrative producer will receive a percentage of all net profits from the series.
  • The financing partner will hold sole rights to the copyright of the television series. The administrative partner's contribution of services will be considered a work made for hire.
  • The parties agree to submit any disputes to binding arbitration in accordance with AFMA rules.
  • This template Co-Production Agreement clarifies each producer's rights and responsibilities by putting them in writing.

Motion Picture Merchandising Agreement

License the film merchandising rights to a distributor with this Motion Picture Merchandising Agreement template.

  • The distributor gets an exclusive license within the defined territory to manufacture, advertise, distribute and sell merchandise that incorporates names, characters, and events from the film
  • In return, the distributor will pay the film producer a guaranteed minimum compensation amount (a fixed amount paid as an advance against the percentage royalty), and a percentage royalty based on the current wholesale price of the licensed products.
  • The producer must approve all products, packaging, labels, advertising, display materials and copyright notices to be used in connection with the licensed products.
  • The distributor agrees to protect the producer's property rights and goodwill, and acknowledges that all goodwill and all rights to the materials created by the distributor are the exclusive property of the producer.
  • All licensed products must carry the producer's copyright and/or trademark notices (as applicable).
  • The distributor must carry standard product liability insurance and advertiser's liability insurance during the term of the Agreement.
  • Upon termination of the Agreement, the distributor will have a 90-day period to dispose of all products already manufactured, so long as the Agreement was not terminated for cause.

This Motion Picture Merchandising Agreement template is available as a MS Word download, which is fully editable and customizable to fit your needs.
