Film Score Composer Agreement (Work for Hire)

Hire a composer to write and arrange a musical score for a motion picture under the terms of this Film Score Composer Agreement.

  • The work will be deemed a work for hire. The composer will write, arrange, record, conduct, prepare and produce the film score as an employee-for-hire.
  • The score, recordings, copyrights and intellectual property rights will be the property of the producer.
  • The composer will receive 100% of the writer's share of performance royalties for the musical score.
  • The template includes a schedule which explains the method of calculating gross receipts ⁄ royalties payable to the composer in the event of a recording contract for the score.
  • You can customize the Film Score Composer Agreement and use it on subsequent film projects. Once you download it, you own it.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 31-January-2022
SKU: 5184
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Script Nondisclosure Agreement

Screenwriters, before you submit a script for evaluation, get this Script Nondisclosure Agreement signed to protect your rights and guard against disclosure of details of the script to third parties.

  • The Nondisclosure Agreement (or "NDA") should be signed by any potential producers with whom you have discussions with respect to developing and producing the script.
  • The producers agree to keep all information strictly confidential and not disclose it to any third party.
  • The writer is disclosing the information to the producer solely for the purpose of allowing the producer to evaluate the script for development into a film project.
  • The confidential information is not to be disclosed to any party except those employees of the producer who have a need to know, and such employees must be bound by a confidentiality agreement with the producer.
  • If the producer determines the script is suitable for development, the parties will commence negotiations in that regard.

Don't let unscrupulous producers rip off your story ideas. Get a signed Script Nondisclosure Agreement.


Feature Film Business Plan

Would-be investors will need to see a well thought-out plan before they commit any money to your film project. Write yours with this fully editable Feature Film Business Plan template.

  • The Plan includes:
    • a financial plan section, describing how the money will be raised for the project, how the funds will be used, and the assumptions on which the revenue model is based;
    • a summary of how revenues are disbursed;
    • a determination of ROI (return on investment);
    • potential income projections;
    • instructions to help you complete each section;
    • a Confidentiality Agreement to protect against disclosure of your proprietary information.
    • a disclaimer of liability regarding the accuracy and completeness of the financial information and projections contained in the Plan.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Buy and download the Feature Film Business Plan template and get started on your plan today.

Confidentiality Agreement for Film Project

Do you own the rights to a project being considered for production as a motion picture? Protect those rights with this Confidentiality Agreement for Film Project.

  • The Agreement should be signed by any producer or filmmaker with whom you've been discussing the possibility of developing a project using your material.
  • The producer agrees to keep all information strictly confidential and not disclose it to any third party.
  • The producer will use the information solely for the purpose of evaluating whether to go ahead with a film treatment of the material, and will only disclose the information to individuals that you have approved in writing.
  • The producer will indemnify you against any loss or disclosure, and from all actions, claims or costs arising out of any breach of the agreement by the producers.
  • Don't risk having someone else use your ideas - get them to sign the Confidentiality Agreement form before you let them see your material.
  • This is a MS Word template that can be re-used as often as you like.

Financial Plan for Film Production

Before anyone lends you money to complete your film project, they're going to want to see a financial plan. Use this downloadable template to prepare yours.

The Financial Plan template discloses information about the film production, including:

  • a summary of the script,
  • an overview of the nature of the project, shooting schedule, post-production, and planned release dates;
  • information about the producers, the distributors and international sales agent;
  • a list of key creative personnel (director, screenwriter, editor, performers, composer, etc.);
  • budget and financing information as of the date of the plan, listing sources of support and amounts or percentages.

You'll have to convince your potential investors that your project is a winner. This template Film Production Financial Plan can help you put together a winning proposal.


Deferred Compensation Agreement for Film Production

If you're a struggling filmmaker trying to make your movie on a shoestring budget, try the deferred compensation approach.

  • This Deferred Compensation Agreement is between the producer, investors and other stakeholders in the motion picture.
  • The Agreement outlines the cast, crew, budget, and production schedule of the film.
  • The Agreement breaks down how revenues received by the producer from the film will be applied: first, to payment of outstanding payables, secondly to repaying the investors, and then to the other principal stakeholders.
  • A Deferred Compensation Agreement allows you to reduce your upfront costs during production of the film by deferring payment until the film is generating revenues.