Film Location Fire Safety Inspection Checklist

Before shooting begins, have the location manager complete this Film Location Fire Safety Inspection Checklist.

  • The inspection should be conducted to ensure maximum protection of all cast and crew and to reduce the production company's liability for loss or damage claims.
  • Use the checklist to record information about:
    • permits required,
    • access, exits and fire lanes,
    • designated parking areas,
    • special effects requiring pyrotechnics,
    • any flammable materials to be used on site,
    • welding, cutting and grinding,
    • electrical and lighting,
    • smoking restrictions,
    • firefighting materials and fire safety measures to be employed.
  • Don't take chances with the lives of your cast and crew. Get a copy of the Film Location Fire Safety Inspection Checklist for your location department.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 29-December-2021
SKU: 8786
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Film Location Agreement

Sign a contract with a property owner to use their home or land as a location in a motion picture with this Film Location Agreement.

  • The owner of the property will permit the production company to use the property in connection with the production, exhibition, advertising and promotion of the film, in return for a per diem fee.
  • The owner may also receive a screen credit, at the producer's discretion.
  • The owner agrees that the production company may make alterations to the location as required, provided that they first obtain the owner's written permission.
  • The owner indemnifies the production company and releases them from any liability, claims or demands.
  • This template is available in MS Word format and is fully customizable so it can be used on multiple locations and on subsequent film projects.

Director Loan-Out Agreement for DGA Members

Obtain the services of a director for a feature film on a loan-out basis with this Director Loan-Out Agreement for DGA members.

  • The director's services are being "loaned" to the producers of the movie through his/her own operating company. The Loan-Out Agreement sets out the terms on which those services will be provided.
  • The Agreement is controlled by the terms of the Directors Guild of America Basic Agreement.
  • The director will provide exclusive services for pre-production, principal photography and post-production, plus additional post-production services as required for the film and on a first-call basis, subject to the director's prior contractual commitments.
  • Payment will be made to the director's opco, which will receive guaranteed compensation on a flat fee basis, plus deferred compensation (a percentage of the director's wages), and contingent compensation (a percentages of net profits of the picture, if any).
  • The producer is not obligated to use the director's services in connection with the picture, or even to release or distribute the picture, but is obligated to pay the full amount of the guaranteed compensation regardless.
  • Credit will be accorded to the director in accordance with the requirements of the DGA Basic Agreement.
  • The template also includes a Letter of Inducement from the director, making certain representations about his/her relationship to the opco and indemnifying the producer against any claims or amounts arising from the director's work on the picture.
  • The Director Loan-Out Agreement for DGA Members can be used for both U.S. and Canadian film projects.

Certificate of Authorship of Screenplay

You've commissioned an original screenplay from a writer. Now get the writer to sign this Certificate of Authorship. The screenwriter certifies that:

  • The screenplay was written as a work made for hire commissioned by the producer, and that the producer is deemed to be the author of the work.
  • The work is original and not in the public domain, has not been adapted and does not violate or infringe upon any other person's statutory or common law rights.
  • The producer owns all right and title to the screenplay, and has the right to make any changes to the material, and the writer waives all moral rights (”droit moral”).
  • The writer will not make any claims or demands against any assignee or successor in interest of the producer.
  • The writer will have no right to enjoin or restrain the distribution or exploitation of any motion picture or other material based on the screenplay.
  • The Certificate of Authorship of Screenplay form is an important part of the documentation you need to establish your rights to the material. Download it for your production forms library.

Finder's Fee Agreement to Obtain Film Financing

Indie filmmakers can hire an agent to help find funding for their motion picture projects with this Finder's Fee Agreement to Obtain Film Financing.

  • The agent will use best efforts to introduce the producer to parties interested in investing in or lending money for the development of the motion picture project.
  • The agent's services are limited to identifying prospective investors or lenders, and do not include negotiating or providing advice.
  • If the producer enters into an agreement with any potential investor introduced by the agent within 2 years of the Agreement, the agent will be paid a finder's fee.
  • The finder's fee is based on the amount of funds raised. The more funds raised, the higher the percentage paid to the agent as a finder's fee.
  • If the agent obtains 90% or more of the total financing necessary, the agent will get an executive producer credit.
  • The agent agrees not to offer or sell any securities in connection with the financing, including stocks, partnership units, etc.
  • The producer agrees to keep confidential and not disclose any information it receives from the agent about any potential investor.
  • The producer indemnifies and holds the agent harmless against any claims, damages, liabilities or loss.

As a filmmaker, you know how difficult it is to find investors. Buy the Finder's Fee Agreement template, sign up an agent and let the agent identify funding sources for you, so you can concentrate on making your movie.


Film Producer Employment Contract

Every filmmaker knows you can't make a movie without a producer. Hire one for your project with this downloadable Film Producer Employment Contract.

  • The producer will be responsible for supervising and assisting with different aspects of the film making, including cast auditions, location scouting, hiring crew, photography, editing, and post-production.
  • The producer will receive a weekly salary, as well as deferred compensation (in first position of all contingent deferments), and contingent compensation.
  • The production company will have complete control of the production of the film and will own all rights to the motion picture, including all intellectual property rights.
  • The producer agrees to assign to the production company all rights in any material that he/she may have been responsible for writing or creating.
  • The producer will be entitled to a producing credit on all prints of the film and in paid advertising.
  • The parties agree to submit any disputes to AFMA arbitration.
  • This contract can be tailored for each specific project and re-used again and again, which saves you money.