Notices to Appoint and Remove Auditors | Canada

Prepare Notices for appointing and removing the auditors of a Canadian corporation with this package of forms which contains the following items:

  1. Notice Appointing Auditor: to be given by the corporation to the accounting firm being appointed as the company's auditor for the ensuing fiscal year.
  2. Notice Removing Auditor: to be given by the corporation to its current auditors informing them that they are being removed from their appointment as the company's auditor.

Auditors are appointed each year. You can re-use these Canada Notices to Appoint and Remove Auditors as often as you require. Get your copy now.

Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 02-July-2018
SKU: 6195
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Directors Resolution Appointing Officers | Canada

Appoint the corporate officers for a Canadian corporation with this template Directors Resolution.

  • A business corporation in Canada must appoint officers to fill the roles set out in its by-laws (such as a president, secretary, treasurer, etc). It is the responsibility of the directors to appoint those individuals.
  • The Board of Directors pass resolutions appointing the officers for the corporation and assigning duties to each officer.
  • This template can be used by any Canadian or provincial corporation that was formed under a Business Corporations Act. A French language translation is required in Quebec.
  • This is a downloadable and easy-to-use MS Word document. You can download it immediately after purchase.

Directors Resolution Setting Date of Shareholder Meeting | Canada

Set the date of a shareholder meeting for a Canadian corporation with this template Directors Resolution.

  • This form can be used by the Board of Directors to fix the date of annual or special meetings of the shareholders.
  • The Resolution also authorizes the form and content of the information circular and other documentation which has been prepared for the meeting.
  • The Canada Directors Resolution Setting Date of Shareholder Meeting template is provided in MS Word format and is fully editable.
  • This Directors Resolution template can be used by any Canadian or provincial corporation which has been incorporated under a Business Corporations Act. The form may not be valid in Quebec.

Bylaws of Business Corporation | Canada

A corporation's bylaws set out how the business of the corporation will be conducted. Download this template Bylaw Number One (General Bylaw) for a Canadian corporation which covers such topics as:

  • how shareholder meetings are to be called and held, and the procedure for voting,
  • procedures for calling, holding and voting at meetings of the board of directors,
  • how officers will be appointed and what the duties of each officer are,
  • indemnity of directors and officers by the corporation with respect to actions taken by them in discharging their duties,
  • how notices and other corporate documents are to be signed.

The Canada General Bylaw (By-law Number One) for Business Corporation can be used for companies incorporated under a Business Corporations Act, whether incorporated federally or provincially. This form is not valid in Quebec.


Corporate Borrowing Bylaw | Canada

Establish the borrowing powers of the directors of a Canadian business corporation with this downloadable Corporate Borrowing Bylaw form.

  • In accordance with the requirements of the Business Corporations Act, the borrowing bylaw sets out the powers of the directors to:
    • borrow money,
    • create debt obligations,
    • grant security to lenders on behalf of the corporation, and
    • delegate those powers to committees or officers.
  • The Corporate Borrowing Bylaw can be used for federal corporations and in the provinces and territories of Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nunavut, Yukon and NWT.

Directors Resolution to Designate Bank | Canada

Designate a financial institution to act as bankers for a Canadian corporation with this template Directors Resolution.

  • Before the corporation sets up its bank accounts, the choice of a bank must be approved by the directors.
  • The bank also requires all the proper corporate approvals to be given.
  • This form can be downloaded and used by any business corporation in Canada, whether incorporated federally or in one of the provinces with a Business Corporations Act.
  • Get your copy of the Directors Resolution to Designate Bank by adding the template to your shopping cart, then checkout using our secure transaction system. You can then download the form.