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    Complete Legal Will Kit | USA


    If you were to die without a Will, your loved ones will have to pay court costs and legal fees to administer your estate. Don't let that happen. Get your complete USA Legal Will Kit and Estate Plan.

    • The USA Legal Will Kit and Estate Plan package contains everything you need to make your will:
      • Last Will and Testament with self proving Affidavit, with instructions to help you complete the document and special provisions for Louisiana.
      • Making a Valid Will in the United States, a guide to help you through the process of making your will and ensuring that it meets legal requirements in your State.
      • Will Preparation Checklist.
      • Glossary of legal terms commonly used in a Will.
      • Information about the duties and responsibilities of an executor.
      • Guidelines for choosing a personal guardian for minor children and a property guardian for minor beneficiaries.
    • If you own real estate or other assets, whether in the United States or elsewhere, you should have a Will to make sure your property is distributed in accordance with your wishes.
    • No need to buy multiple copies - you, your spouse or partner, and other family members can each prepare a Will using the same template.
    Download Type: Microsoft Word
    Last Updated: 29-May-2024
    SKU: 2309
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