Alberta Bare Land Condominium Bylaws

Prepare bylaws for an Alberta bare land condominium development with this easy-to-use template.

  • The by-laws set out how the condominium corporation will be operated, and the duties and rights of the owners, the corporation and the developer.
  • Initial matters such as the establishment of the reserve fund are dealt with.
  • Until real estate taxes are assessed on each unit, the taxes will be apportioned amongst all the owners according to their respective unit factors.
  • The developer is obligated to complete the common property, to remedy any defects, and to keep it free of liens and claims.
  • The Bare Land Condominium Bylaws template is prepared in compliance with the Condominium Property Act.
  • You can download the template immediately after paying for it.
  • Intended for use only in the Province of Alberta, Canada.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 25-September-2021
SKU: 5243