Software Development Contract | China

Are you a software developer with clients in China? Prepare English language agreements for your clients with this template China Software Development Contract.

  • The developer will provide a requirements analysis report, a system proposal, compilation codes, software tests and related technical support for the development project, as well as training for the client's personnel.
  • The client will conduct regular phased acceptance inspections, and will inform the developer of any problems or required revisions. If the scope of the revisions is large, the developer can claim for increased expenses.
  • The parties will both participate in the final systems tests. Test results will be recorded in detail, and each test result will be certified by both parties.
  • The developer will draw up a service and maintenance program for the system, for maintenance service to be provided on an ongoing basis.
  • This is an English language legal form. A Chinese translation of the document may be required to make it enforceable under PRC laws.
  • This Software Development Contract for China is in MS Word format and is fully editable.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 02-July-2018
SKU: 7456