Valuation of Shares Clause for Shareholder Agreement

Make provision for determining the fair market value of shares with this downloadable Valuation of Shares clause for a Shareholder Agreement.

  • The clause sets out the process by which the fair market value (FMV) of the shares will be arrived at in the event that the shareholders cannot agree, following a triggering event which has affected the FMV of the shares.
  • This form is provided in MS Word format and is fully editable.
  • This clause is generic (not country-specific) and can be used in many jurisdictions.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 07-June-2021
SKU: 334
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Right of First Refusal Clause for Shareholder Agreement

This Right of First Refusal clause can be inserted into a Shareholder Agreement to govern how a shareholder disposes of its shares.

  • If a shareholder receives an arm's length offer from a third party to purchase its shares, the selling shareholder must give the other shareholders a right of first refusal to buy the shares before selling them to the third party.
  • The clauses are downloadable and customizable.
  • These generic clauses can be used in any common law country.
  • Available in MS Word format.

Share Repurchase / Buy-Back Agreement

Use this downloadable Share Repurchase (or Buy-Back) Agreement to transfer shares from a shareholder back to the corporation.

  • The Agreement is secured by a promissory note, and the template includes a sample form of promissory note.
  • The corporation will cancel the shares after buying them back.
  • The vendor represents that the shares are free of encumbrances and security interests against them.
  • Both parties agree to take all actions necessary to complete the transaction.
  • The Share Repurchase Agreement allows the corporation to reduce the number of outstanding shares and retain share value.
  • This is a generic legal form which can be used in many jurisdictions. Available in MS Word format.

Drag Along, Tag Along Clause for Shareholder Agreement

This drag along, tag along clause can be inserted into a shareholder agreement to govern how the sale of shares from a shareholder to an arm's length third party must be conducted.

  • The share purchase agreement must include an offer by the buyer to purchase a pro rata share of the other shareholders' shares on the same terms and at the same time.
  • The terms apply to arm's length transactions only. The clause contains a definition of which parties are not considered arm's length.

A Drag Along, Tag Along Clause is an exit strategy that protects the rights of minority shareholders while at the same time giving majority shareholders a means to force other investors to exit at the same time.


Triggering Events for Share Sales in Shareholder Agreements

Learn about the types of events which trigger a sale of shares under a Unanimous Shareholder Agreement, and the methods used to implement the sale.

  • Triggering events include:
    • right of first refusal;
    • default buy-sell;
    • shotgun or forced sale;
    • transfer on death.
  • Available as a PDF download.

Right of First Refusal Agreement to Acquire Shares

Grant a right of first refusal to another shareholder with this Right of First Refusal Agreement to Acquire Shares template.

  • The Agreement grants one shareholder a first right of refusal to acquire shares owned by another shareholder ('granting shareholder').
  • The right is granted pursuant to the winding up of a third shareholder (a company solely owned by the granting shareholder) and the transfer of the third shareholder's share interest to the granting shareholder.
  • This is a generic legal form which is not specific to any country or region.
  • The Right of First Refusal Agreement to Acquire Shares is available in MS Word format and is fully editable to fit your needs.