Cease and Desist Letter re Copyright Infringement | USA

Is a third party is infringing on your copyright for written works, artwork, images or video? Issue a Cease and Desist Letter with this downloadable template for U.S. copyrights.

  • The letter may be prepared by either yourself as the owner of the copyright, or by your attorneys.
  • It contains the following:
    • details of the owner's copyright,
    • the owner's infringement claim against the third party,
    • a demand to cease and desist from any further distribution or other use of the copyrighted material,
    • a demand that the infringing party provide information concerning the extent of the use, together with all undistributed copies of the material.
  • This Cease and Desist Letter template contains references to US copyright laws.
  • The form is available in MS Word format and is fully editable to fit your specific circumstances.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 14-July-2021
SKU: 6573
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Texas Rental Agreement for Residential Premises

TX landlords, rent a house or apartment to a tenant on a monthly or weekly tenancy with this Texas Rental Agreement for Residential Premises.

  • Periodic Tenancy. The Agreement establishes what is called a periodic tenancy because it runs from rental period to rental period (month to month or week to week).
  • Late Fees. The tenant must pay late fees if the rent is not paid on time, and a charge for any returned checks.
  • Maintenance. The tenant is responsible for yard maintenance.
  • Security Deposit. Procedure that the landlord must follow for returning the tenant's security deposit at the end of the tenancy.
  • Termination. Provisions for termination by either party, in accordance with landlord-tenant laws.
  • The file also contains a Lead Paint Disclosure form, as required by law.
  • Also included is a Premises Condition Report to be jointly filled in by the landlord and the tenant at the beginning and the end of the tenancy.
This Texas Rental Agreement for Residential Premises is provided in MS Word format, and is fully editable to fit your particular circumstances.

Cease and Desist Letter for Copyright Infringement | Canada

Issue a Cease and Desist Letter for Copyright Infringement with this template for copyrights registered in Canada.

The Cease and Desist Letter can be prepared and sent to the infringing party by either yourself as the owner of the copyright, or by your lawyer. It contains the following:

  • details of the owner's copyright in the work (written, music, art, video, etc),
  • details of the infringing use of the work,
  • a demand to cease and desist from any further distribution or other use of the copyrighted material,
  • a demand that the infringing party provide information concerning the extent of the use, together with all undistributed copies of the material.

This Canada Cease and Desist Letter re Infringement of Copyright template is fully customizable to fit your specific circumstances.
