UK Prenuptial Agreement

If you are planning a marriage soon in the United Kingdom, you and your future spouse should write up a Prenuptial Agreement.

  • This easy short form template allows you to clearly establish what the rights of each party are with respect to their own individual personal property and that of the spouse, in the event that the marriage breaks down.
  • Property owned by each party prior to the marriage remains the separate property of that party.
  • Each party has the right to sell, gift or otherwise dispose of his or her separate property.
  • Each of the parties has disclosed their net worth to the other.
  • If the couple separates or divorces, neither party shall have a claim against the other for support, alimony or maintenance, or for division of the parties' separate property.
This UK Prenuptial Agreement template is provided in MS Word format, and is fully editable to fit your specific circumstances.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 14-April-2016
SKU: 7671