Software Publishing Agreement

Prepare a Software Publishing Agreement between a publisher and a developer with this customizable contract template.

  • The developer is defined as the author of the work.
  • The developer grants the publisher exclusive worldwide rights to the software product and the right to register copyright and trade marks with respect to the product.
  • The developer agrees to indemnify the publisher against any claims arising from any breach or misrepresentation by the developer.
  • The developer is responsible for testing the software prior to publishing. The developer agrees to be available for 90 days after publication for support of the product.
  • This Software Publishing Agreement is a generic legal form that can be used in most jurisdictions.
  • Buy, download, and easily customize the template for each developer you work with.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 13-May-2021
SKU: 133
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Acquisition Agreement for Co-Ownership Rights in Software

Obtain a co-ownership interest in software that is under development with this Acquisition Agreement for Co-Ownership Rights.

  • The purchaser is investing funds to complete the development of the software, in exchange for receiving a co-ownership interest.
  • The purchaser also obtains the patent rights to the software.
  • The purchaser grants the developer a worldwide non-exclusive royalty-free license to use the patent rights.
  • Each party retains its own rights to any subsequent modifications it makes to the software.
  • The purchaser covenants not to compete with the software developer.
  • This Acquisition Agreement for Co-Ownership Rights in Software does not include specific references to the laws of any country and can be used in most jurisdictions.
  • The form is available as a downloadable MS Word template that can be easily modified to include any additional terms of your business arrangement.

EULA for Downloadable Software

Create an EULA (End User License Agreement) for downloadable software apps with this customizable template form for software developers.

  • The EULA allows an online visitor to download the software product for use on a single computer.
  • The EULA contains a disclaimer of any warranties (in other words, the software is provided "as is") and limitation of liability clauses to protect the developer.
  • Technical support is NOT provided as part of the license for use.
  • This is a generic form which can be used anywhere.
  • Bundle it with the software download, or post it on your site pre-download with an 'Agree / Disagree' selection option. If you sell the program on physical media, this file should accompany the software files.
  • The license agreement form is provided in MS Word format and is easy to convert to html and/or PDF.
$12.49 $9.99

Sale Agreement for Software

Software developers, sell your ownership in a software program with this Sale Agreement template.

  • The parties agree that this is a sale of the developer's interest in the software, and not a license for use.
  • The sale includes the source code and all related documentation created by the developer.
  • All title and rights in and to the software passes to the buyer upon completion of the transaction.
  • The seller waives all intellectual property rights to the program, including moral rights.
  • This Software Sale Agreement is provided in MS Word format and can be downloaded immediately after purchase.
  • This is a generic legal contract consisting of two pages. It does not contain references to specific laws and can be used in most jurisdictions.

Letter of Intent for Software Development Partnership

Negotiate a formal agreement to set up a strategic partnership to develop new software titles with this Letter of Intent template.

  • Key discussion points between the parties include ownership of the final software products; confidentiality; each partner's responsibilities with respect to developing, marketing and advertising of the products; and revenue splitting.
  • The letter of intent is not intended to be legally binding upon the parties except to the extent of the discussions between them.
  • This is a generic template which is not country specific and can be used anywhere.
  • Available in MS Word format and fully editable.

End User License Agreement | USA

License your software apps for use on single computers with this End User License Agreement (EULA) form for US based developers.

  • An EULA is essential because it protects your rights as the author of the software.
  • The software can only be installed on a single computer or device.
  • Under the terms of the EULA, the end user is granted a license to use the software. The end user is not purchasing the app and does not become the owner of the software program.
  • The license is governed by United States copyright laws.
  • This End User License Agreement template is fully editable and easy to customize to fit your exact needs.