Script Submission Agreement

Are you a film or TV producer who solicits scripts from screenwriters? Have the writers make their submissions in writing under the terms of this Script Submission Agreement.

  • The screenwriter acknowledges that the submission of the script and the execution of the Agreement does not create confidential or fiduciary relationship between the screenwriter and the producer.
  • The screenwriter represents that the material submitted is an original work, and that s/he is the sole owner.
  • The screenwriter will not be entitled to compensation for the use of similar or identical material developed independently of the writer's submission.
  • The screenwriter releases and indemnifies the producer against claims, loss and damages.
  • Don't accept any original material unless it's accompanied by a signed Script Submission Agreement. If you do, you could open yourself up to a future legal claim.
  • Available in MS Word format. Fully editable and reusable.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 14-June-2022
SKU: 7204
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Script Nondisclosure Agreement

Screenwriters, before you submit a script for evaluation, get this Script Nondisclosure Agreement signed to protect your rights and guard against disclosure of details of the script to third parties.

  • The Nondisclosure Agreement (or "NDA") should be signed by any potential producers with whom you have discussions with respect to developing and producing the script.
  • The producers agree to keep all information strictly confidential and not disclose it to any third party.
  • The writer is disclosing the information to the producer solely for the purpose of allowing the producer to evaluate the script for development into a film project.
  • The confidential information is not to be disclosed to any party except those employees of the producer who have a need to know, and such employees must be bound by a confidentiality agreement with the producer.
  • If the producer determines the script is suitable for development, the parties will commence negotiations in that regard.

Don't let unscrupulous producers rip off your story ideas. Get a signed Script Nondisclosure Agreement.


Literary Management Representation Agreement for Screenwriters

Prepare a professional agency contract for a client quickly and easily with this Literary Management Representation Agreement for screenwriters.

  • The manager will be paid a percentage of any gross compensation paid to the screenwriter for any work procured under the Agreement.
  • The manager has the right to produce and package any script by the screenwriter and is entitled to producer's fees and credits for production and distribution.
  • The parties agree that the contract is between the writer and the manager as individuals, and not with any firm, agency or other entity that the manager is employed by.
  • This is a generic legal contract which is not country-specific and can be used almost anywhere.
  • If you represent screenwriters, then this Literary Management Representation Agreement is an ideal template for you. You can personalize each copy, customize it to reflect your unique services, and re-use it as often as your business requires.

Certificate of Authorship of Screenplay

You've commissioned an original screenplay from a writer. Now get the writer to sign this Certificate of Authorship. The screenwriter certifies that:

  • The screenplay was written as a work made for hire commissioned by the producer, and that the producer is deemed to be the author of the work.
  • The work is original and not in the public domain, has not been adapted and does not violate or infringe upon any other person's statutory or common law rights.
  • The producer owns all right and title to the screenplay, and has the right to make any changes to the material, and the writer waives all moral rights (”droit moral”).
  • The writer will not make any claims or demands against any assignee or successor in interest of the producer.
  • The writer will have no right to enjoin or restrain the distribution or exploitation of any motion picture or other material based on the screenplay.
  • The Certificate of Authorship of Screenplay form is an important part of the documentation you need to establish your rights to the material. Download it for your production forms library.

Co-Production Agreement for TV Series

Prepare a Co-Production Agreement between two producers of a television series with this concise contract template.

  • One of the producers will be responsible for obtaining production financing for the series, and the other will provide administrative production services.
  • As compensation, the administrative producer will receive a percentage of all net profits from the series.
  • The financing partner will hold sole rights to the copyright of the television series. The administrative partner's contribution of services will be considered a work made for hire.
  • The parties agree to submit any disputes to binding arbitration in accordance with AFMA rules.
  • This template Co-Production Agreement clarifies each producer's rights and responsibilities by putting them in writing.

Film Project Joint Venture Agreement

Set up a joint venture to develop and produce an original motion picture with this Film Project Joint Venture Agreement template.

  • Ownership of all property, assets and intangibles such as rights in the screenplay, the picture, merchandising, and publishing rights will be held by the joint venture.
  • The joint venturers will contribute capital and services to the joint venture as required to complete the project.
  • Net profits or losses generated by the motion picture will be allocated among the joint venturers in proportion to their capital contributions. Tax credits and deductions will be allocated equally.
  • The joint venturers will have equal control and authority over all decisions and matters concerning the joint venture and the development and production of the film project.
  • Each of the joint venturers are entitled to a screen credit as producers of the film.
  • The joint venturers will not be required to devote their time exclusively to the film project, provided that they devote as much time as is required to fulfill their obligations to the joint venture.
  • Upon the death, incapacity or disability of a joint venturer, then (subject to tax consequences) the joint venture will continue as a limited partnership with the successor-in-interest of the deceased or disabled joint venturer as a limited partner. The limited partner will not be entitled to vote or participate in partnership business, but must give consent to the disposition of the joint venture's property.
  • You can easily tailor this Film Project Joint Venture Agreement to fit your unique circumstances. Buy and download the digital template, use it as often as you require.