Motion Picture Investor Financing Agreement

Have you found an investor to put production money into your feature film? Put it in writing with this Motion Picture Investor Financing Agreement.

  • The investment funds will be paid into an escrow fund, to be released to the production company only after certain conditions have been met, including execution of the film completion guaranty.
  • The investor will be repaid its investment amount, plus interest, from net profits of the film's domestic theatrical release. The investor will also participate in the net profits over and above its investment, up to a specified percentage.
  • The investor will have approval rights with respect to the budget, casting, producer, director, and distribution of the film.

A movie will never get off the ground if you don't have the money to make it. Download the Motion Picture Investor Financing Agreement for your contracts library.

Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 27-January-2022
SKU: 7787
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Deferred Compensation Agreement for Film Production

If you're a struggling filmmaker trying to make your movie on a shoestring budget, try the deferred compensation approach.

  • This Deferred Compensation Agreement is between the producer, investors and other stakeholders in the motion picture.
  • The Agreement outlines the cast, crew, budget, and production schedule of the film.
  • The Agreement breaks down how revenues received by the producer from the film will be applied: first, to payment of outstanding payables, secondly to repaying the investors, and then to the other principal stakeholders.
  • A Deferred Compensation Agreement allows you to reduce your upfront costs during production of the film by deferring payment until the film is generating revenues.

Financial Plan for Film Production

Before anyone lends you money to complete your film project, they're going to want to see a financial plan. Use this downloadable template to prepare yours.

The Financial Plan template discloses information about the film production, including:

  • a summary of the script,
  • an overview of the nature of the project, shooting schedule, post-production, and planned release dates;
  • information about the producers, the distributors and international sales agent;
  • a list of key creative personnel (director, screenwriter, editor, performers, composer, etc.);
  • budget and financing information as of the date of the plan, listing sources of support and amounts or percentages.

You'll have to convince your potential investors that your project is a winner. This template Film Production Financial Plan can help you put together a winning proposal.


Feature Film Business Plan

Would-be investors will need to see a well thought-out plan before they commit any money to your film project. Write yours with this fully editable Feature Film Business Plan template.

  • The Plan includes:
    • a financial plan section, describing how the money will be raised for the project, how the funds will be used, and the assumptions on which the revenue model is based;
    • a summary of how revenues are disbursed;
    • a determination of ROI (return on investment);
    • potential income projections;
    • instructions to help you complete each section;
    • a Confidentiality Agreement to protect against disclosure of your proprietary information.
    • a disclaimer of liability regarding the accuracy and completeness of the financial information and projections contained in the Plan.
  • Available in MS Word format.
  • Buy and download the Feature Film Business Plan template and get started on your plan today.

Film Completion Guaranty

A Film Completion Guaranty must be provided by the producer and guarantor as part of the financing process for most independent motion pictures. Use this downloadable template to prepare the document you need.

  • The guarantor is guaranteeing completion and delivery of the film to the lender (financier).
  • If the producer fails to complete and deliver the film in accordance with the terms, the guarantor will take over production.
  • The guarantor is under no obligation under the Guaranty until the strike price (production financing) has been advanced.
  • The guarantor is not responsible for obtaining any rating for the film, or to deliver any materials other than the delivery materials, or for the quality of the film itself.
  • If the guarantor fails to complete and deliver the film, it will repay the financier in full for all sums advanced.
  • The guarantor subordinates any claims it may have against the producer to the repayment of the financier and all of the financier's rights and security interests.
  • The template includes a Notice Cure and Arbitration Agreement.
  • Before you can get your funding, make sure your paperwork is in order, including this Film Completion Guaranty.

Confidentiality Agreement for Film Project

Do you own the rights to a project being considered for production as a motion picture? Protect those rights with this Confidentiality Agreement for Film Project.

  • The Agreement should be signed by any producer or filmmaker with whom you've been discussing the possibility of developing a project using your material.
  • The producer agrees to keep all information strictly confidential and not disclose it to any third party.
  • The producer will use the information solely for the purpose of evaluating whether to go ahead with a film treatment of the material, and will only disclose the information to individuals that you have approved in writing.
  • The producer will indemnify you against any loss or disclosure, and from all actions, claims or costs arising out of any breach of the agreement by the producers.
  • Don't risk having someone else use your ideas - get them to sign the Confidentiality Agreement form before you let them see your material.
  • This is a MS Word template that can be re-used as often as you like.