India Internet Services Use Contract

Indian ISPs, post this Internet Services Use Contract on your website in a visible and accessible location, to set out the terms under which subscribers use your services.

  • Compliance with Laws. Users must comply with all local, national and international laws.
  • Prohibited Use. Users are prohibited from spamming, flaming, or posting or transmitting any material that is obscene, indecent, threatening or harmful in any way.
  • Indemnification. Users must indemnify the internet service provider against losses or damages arising from their use of the ISP's service.
  • No Warranties. The service provider makes no warranties or representations with respect to the services, which are provided on an as is, as available basis.
  • Risk. The use of the service is at the user's sole risk and responsibility, including responsibility for security and backup of data.
This India Internet Services Use Contract is provided in MS Word format, which can be easily converted to html for posting on your website.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 14-April-2016
SKU: 7355