China Commercial Lease Contract in Favor of Tenant

Lease a business premises in China with this template Commercial Lease Contract, which favors the tenant.

  • The landlord will supply electricity, water and heat to the premises, and will ensure that any defects are remedied.
  • The landlord is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and approvals for the use of the premises, and ensuring that the premises complies with all laws and regulations.
  • The landlord is responsible for repairs to interior fixtures and to the exterior of the premises.
  • It is the landlord's responsibility to maintain adequate property and liability insurance.
  • The tenant will pay for any damage to the premises for which the tenant is responsible.
  • The tenant may not arbitrarily remodel, rebuild or make changes to the basic structure of the premises.
  • The tenant is responsible for obtaining and installing required fire prevention equipment, and carrying out fire safety drills and fire prevention measures.
  • The landlord will perform the renovations and the tenant will pay the costs.
  • This legal form is available in English language version. A Chinese translation of the document may also be required for it to be legally enforceable.
The Commercial Lease Contract in Favor of Tenant template is prepared in accordance with the laws of China.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 14-April-2016
SKU: 7608