Personal Guarantee of Corporate Mortgage | Canada

Prepare a Personal Guarantee of Corporate Mortgage with this downloadable template for Canadian lenders.

  • The guarantor is a principal of the company obtaining the mortgage loan.
  • The guarantee is taken by the lender to secure repayment of the mortgage.
  • This form of guarantee is typically required by all major banks and other lenders as additional loan security.
  • The Personal Guarantee of Corporate Mortgage is a digital legal form that can be used across Canada. It includes a Guarantees Acknowledgment Act form for the Province of Alberta.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 27-January-2021
SKU: 140
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Limited Partnership Agreement | Canada

Set up a limited partnership in Canada with this downloadable Limited Partnership Agreement template.

  • The general partner will have unlimited liability for the debts and liabilities of the partnership.
  • The liability of the limited partners is limited to the amount of the subscription paid by each of them for their partnership units.
  • The general partner is responsible for managing the business of the partnership.
  • The general partner will hold title to all assets and equipment acquired on behalf of the partnership.
  • The partners will be entitled to share in the profits of the business.
  • The remaining partners have a right of first refusal to purchase the interest of a withdrawing partner.
  • This legal form template is available in MS Word format and is fully editable to meet your needs.
  • Governed by Canadian laws.

Directors Resolution Appointing Officers | Canada

Appoint the corporate officers for a Canadian corporation with this template Directors Resolution.

  • A business corporation in Canada must appoint officers to fill the roles set out in its by-laws (such as a president, secretary, treasurer, etc). It is the responsibility of the directors to appoint those individuals.
  • The Board of Directors pass resolutions appointing the officers for the corporation and assigning duties to each officer.
  • This template can be used by any Canadian or provincial corporation that was formed under a Business Corporations Act. A French language translation is required in Quebec.
  • This is a downloadable and easy-to-use MS Word document. You can download it immediately after purchase.

Corporate Resolutions to Approve Land Purchase | Canada

Approve the purchase of commercial land by a Canadian corporation with these template Corporate Resolutions to Approve Land Purchase.

  • The directors of the corporation authorize the corporation to proceed with the purchase of the land.
  • The decision is ratified and approved by the shareholders.
  • You can use these Corporate Resolutions to Approve Land Purchase for any Canadian or provincial corporation that was formed under a Business Corporations Act. A French-language version is required in Quebec.

Directors Resolution to Change Registered Office | Canada

The directors of a Canadian corporation can change its registered office by passing this Directors Resolution.

  • The corporation's Board of Directors resolves to change the registered office from its current location to a new location.
  • The corporate secretary is authorized to file the appropriate form of Notice with the applicable registry.
  • The template can be used by any Canadian corporation formed under a Business Corporations Act, either federally or provincially. English version not valid in Quebec.
  • Available as a fully editable download in MS Word format.
  • Intended to be used only within Canada.

General Security Agreement | Canada

Secure a loan or line of credit with this General Security Agreement for Canadian lenders.

  • The borrower grants the lender a security interest in all of the borrower's personal property (inventory, equipment, accounts and book debts), and all income and proceeds from that personal property.
  • The General Security Agreement secures payment and performance of all of the borrower's present and future indebtedness to the lender, including the lender's costs of enforcing the Agreement.
  • The borrower agrees to protect and preserve the collateral property, to keep it in good condition and repair, to pay all taxes and charges levied against it, and to keep it fully insured.
  • So long as the borrower is not in breach of its obligations, the borrower retains possession of the collateral and can use it in the ordinary course of its business.
  • This legal document template is intended for use only in Canada.