Make sure your doctor and your family know what your wishes are regarding medical treatment with these Advance Directive Forms for Canadian residents.


Q. Is an advance directive like a Power of Attorney?

A. In one way, an advance directive resembles a health care power of attorney because both documents let you designate a person (usually a loved one or close friend) as your agent or proxy to make medical decisions for you if you're unable to make those decisions for yourself. But that's the only similarity between these documents.

A health care power of attorney is a broad document that gives your attorney the authority to make all kinds of health care decisions for you. But an advance directive (also called a living will) only deals with end-of-life issues, in particular the types of life-prolonging treatments or medications you wish to have administered or withheld.

Ontario laws do not refer to advance directives or living wills. Instructions must be given in a power of attorney for personal care.

Q. Does my doctor have to abide by the instructions I give in the advance directive?

A. In general, in Canada patients have the right to refuse consent for any procedure for any reason, and health care providers are required to abide by their wishes. However, they are not required to follow instructions that are against the law, such as doctor-assisted suicide. Canadian courts have ruled that advance directives must be respected. If you have questions about whether your end-of-life instructions would be legally binding, consult a lawyer in your area.

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Nunavut Advance Health Care Directive

Does your doctor and your family know your wishes for end-of-life treatment in the event that you become physically or mentally incapacitated? Put it in writing with this Advance Health Care Directive form for Nunavut.

  • An Advance Directive gives you an opportunity to leave instructions in writing regarding what types of medical treatment you want or don't want, in the event that you are diagnosed with a terminal condition or are in a coma with no real chance of recovery.
  • If you wish, you can also name a person or persons that you would prefer to have appointed as your potential Guardian, to make medical decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so.
  • The form includes instructions to guide you through each section.
  • This form is intended for use in Nunavut Territory. Each adult member of your family can use the same template - no need to buy separate copies.

NWT Personal Directive

Put your instructions for medical treatment in writing and name someone to make health care decisions for you with this Personal Directive form for Northwest Territories residents.

  • A Personal Directive allows you the opportunity to set out your wishes regarding what types of medical treatment you want or don't want, in the event that you are diagnosed with a terminal condition or are in a coma with no real chance of recovery.
  • You can name someone you trust to act as your agent to give consent and make medical and personal care decisions on your behalf if you are unable to, due to incapacity or medical condition.
  • The form also includes information and instructions to help you complete your Personal Directive.
  • Updated 2019 to ensure compliance with the Personal Directives Act.
  • This legal document should only be used in the Territory of Northwest Territories, Canada.

Ontario Do Not Resuscitate Confirmation Form

Carry a copy of a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) Confirmation Form with you if you do not wish to have CPR administered by paramedics or firefighters.

  • The form must be signed by a physician, registered nurse, registered nurse in the extended class, or registered practical nurse.
  • In accordance with Ontario laws, the DNR form instructs paramedics and firefighters not to administer CPR (including use of breathing tubes and resuscitation drugs).
  • Palliative care (comfort care) will still be provided, including administration of oxygen, suctioning, and pain medication.
  • When completed, the form will be numbered with a unique serial number.
  • This form contains both English and French language versions.
  • The form is issued by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and the Office of the Fire Marshal.
  • Available in PDF format.
  • Intended to be used only in the Province of Ontario, Canada.

Ontario Personal Directive

Be sure that your family and your doctors know your wishes for end-of-life treatment by completing this Ontario Personal Directive form.

  • A Personal Directive gives you a chance to write out your wishes regarding what types of medical treatment you want or don't want, in the event that you are not able to communicate those wishes.
  • If you wish, you can also appoint someone as your substitute decision maker to give consent and make medical decisions on your behalf.
  • A Personal Directive is not recognized as a legal document under Ontario legislation, but it does indicate to your loved ones and your health care providers what your wishes are. However, they are not legally obligated to comply with those wishes. If you have a Power of Attorney for Personal Care, your Personal Directive will help your attorney make more informed decisions for you.

PEI Health Care Directive

PEI residents, make sure that your wishes are followed, in the event that you are unable to give directions for treatment, with this Prince Edward Island Health Care Directive.

  • A Health Care Directive (also called a living will) allows you to appoint one or more persons to act on your behalf as your proxy.
  • You can give your proxy detailed instructions and set out your wishes regarding what types of medical treatment you want or don't want, in the event that you become unable to communicate those wishes due to illness or injury.
  • The form includes a Declaration of Incapacity form, as well as information and instructions to help you complete the documents.
  • This is a downloadable Health Care Directive form in MS Word format. It is intended for use only in the Province of Prince Edward Island.

Saskatchewan Advance Health Care Directive

If you were terminally ill and unable to communicate, would your family know your wishes regarding medical treatment? Make an Advance Health Care Directive and be sure your instructions are followed.

  • This Advance Directive package is for Saskatchewan residents.
  • With this form (also called a Living Will), you can appoint someone close to you to act as your proxy, to make decisions and give instructions to your physician when you aren't able to, because of illness or injury.
  • You can use the Directive to set out your wishes regarding what types of medical treatment you want or don't want.
  • This package contains the following forms for Saskatchewan:
    • Advance Health Care Directive,
    • Declaration of Incapacity by Two Physicians form,
    • information and instructions to help you complete the form.

This Saskatchewan Advance Health Care Directive Package is a downloadable MS Word file. You can use the template more than once. For instance, both you and your spouse or partner can prepare a Directive using the same package. No need to buy multiple copies.


Yukon Abbreviated Advance Directive

Appoint a proxy to make health care decisions for you if you become unable to do so with this Abbreviated Advance Directive form under the Yukon Care Consent Act.

  • You can choose whether to allow your proxy to make health care decisions without any restrictions, or with limitations that you specify.
  • You can also specify your wishes regarding resuscitation and end-of-life treatments.
  • This is a free PDF form provided by the Government of Yukon. It includes instructions to help you complete the form.