Book Publishing Agreement (non-exclusive)

Secure non-exclusive worldwide rights to an author's literary work with this Book Publishing Agreement.

  • The author grants the publisher a non-exclusive worldwide license to publish the work.
  • The publisher will pay royalties to the author calculated on net receipts, after deduction of costs and expenses.
  • Submissions must be made in accordance with the publisher's submission procedures, which are included as a schedule.
  • The author can purchase copies of the work at a discounted price.
  • The publisher will charge an annual title maintenance fee.
  • This is a generic legal contract which is not specific to any country.
  • Available in MS Word format and fully customizable.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 10-August-2023
SKU: 7082
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Book Publishing Agreement (exclusive)

Get the exclusive rights to publish an author's latest work and an option to publish future titles under the terms of this Book Publishing Agreement.

  • The author grants the publisher an exclusive worldwide license to publish the literary work in print, electronic and any other media formats.
  • The publisher also has the right to prepare derivative works based on the work.
  • The publisher gets the exclusive right to copyright the work and to renew the copyright, in the publisher's name.
  • The author will deliver both a hard copy and electronic copy of the work. Once the work is prepared for reproduction, the author is responsible for creating the key word index and table of contents.
  • The author will review and approve successive proofs edited by the publisher, and is responsible for ensuring the completeness and accuracy of each proof.
  • The author agrees not to publish any other work or intellectual property based on the published work at any time while the work is in print, except as agreed to by the publisher.
  • Royalties are based on net sale proceeds of the work (gross sales less rebates, discounts, returns, taxes, freight, shipping and insurance).
  • The author grants the publisher an option to publish one or more future titles.
You can use this Book Publishing Agreement to publish print versions as well as downloadable versions of the work. The template is customizable and can be used over and over as your business demands.