Perpetual Software Licence | Australia

License your software to a publisher, reseller or distributor with this Perpetual Software Licence for Australia.

  • The developer grants the licensee a permanent, irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to distribute, resell, sublicense or otherwise make use of the software.
  • In return for the perpetual licence, the licensee pays the developer a fixed lump sum licence fee.
  • The developer retains title to the original software, but title to any derivative works created by the licensee belongs to the licensee.
  • The licensee also has the right to decompile, disassemble and reverse engineer the software.
  • The licence is governed by Australian intellectual property laws.
  • This Perpetual Software Licence form is available as a MS Word document which can be easily customised to fit your unique needs.
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Last Updated: 25-June-2018
SKU: 6369
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Sale Agreement for Interest in Software | Australia

Sell and transfer your ownership interest in a software product to a customer under this template Agreement for Sale for Australia.

  • The software application was developed specifically for the customer.
  • The sale includes the source code and related documentation for the software.
  • The parties agree that this is a sale transaction and not simply a licence for use of the software.
  • All title and rights in and to the software passes to the buyer upon completion of the sale.
  • The seller waives all intellectual property rights to the program, including moral rights.
  • This Agreement for Sale is governed by Australian intellectual property laws and can be used in all states and territories.

Partnering Agreement for Marketing Software | Australia

Set up a strategic alliance for marketing and selling new apps with this Partnering Agreement for software partnerships in Australia.

  • The Agreement is between a software developer and a consultant who will assist in selling the software products within a defined territory.
  • The relationship between the parties is not a joint venture, partnership or formal business entity of any kind. Neither party has the power or authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the other party.
  • Customers must enter into a licence in order to use the software. A sample software licence is included in the package.
  • The developer will pay commissions to the consultant on all software licences procured by the consultant.
  • The developer is responsible for supplying and supporting the software and registering all intellectual property rights.
  • The parties mutually agree to keep all information confidential.
  • Each party indemnifies the other against claims and losses.
  • The Agreement is governed by Australian laws and is intended to be used solely within Australia.
  • The Partnering Agreement template is available in MS Word format and is fully editable to fit your specific circumstances.